Scripting News: Thursday, November 16, 2023
Thursday, November 16, 2023 Here's a demo app that scrolls through pictures recently posted by one of the art feeds on Bluesky. Artshow is not itself a feed reader, it calls FeedLand, via an API , to get the recent posts from feeds in the list. It's all very simple, small pieces loosely joined. An illustration that there's more to feed "reading" than we might think (podcasting is a another form of feed reading that doesn't look like a feed reader). # BTW, Bluesky has excellent RSS 2.0 support. Here's my feed on Bluesky. You can hook that up to any feed reader, obviously. But think about it, this is something new. # We need something like Black Lives Matter for Jews. Our lives do matter. But our right to continue to live is always up for debate. # Linkblog items for the day. AI prototype wows devs by turning drawings into working software. Bay Area diner to close original store after 49 years. #hobees...