Scripting News: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 It would be better if journalists did not gravitate to a Facebook-owned Twitter clone. # For a guy who likes to write, I am probably not a lot better about writing docs than most other developers. We're supposed to leave a good trail behind us, but I've only managed to do that in certain ways. For example, I have standardized on a file for each of my projects and I'm pretty good about updating it. I also publish the OPML source of my code, which contains a lot more in the way of internal docs than the JavaScript files I publish alongside them, simply because the outline format lends itself to inline docs, and I have been doing that systematically for at least thirty years. And I now include the OPML source in most projects in a file called source.opml . There's a big comment at the top of each of the files at the top that explains. If you're interested, work backward through the directory of my repos. # ...