Scripting News: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Thursday, March 21, 2024 Why we're lucky WordPress is here and other topics # I spent some time this week reviewing the UI of Radio UserLand, released in 2002. It was both a feed reader and a writing tool. # One would have thought, btw, that from that start that all subsequent blogging tools would have the same connections, even if the functionality was not all in the same product. But then came Twitter and Facebook, and they said they weren't blogs, and presumably would start a new tradition with new user expectations. And that worked. The new blogging platforms were silos . # So the integration opportunities were limited, something that took me 11 years to fully appreciate, and to give up on. I was in a intellectual cloud, not thinking straight. # Meantime, the tradition of blogging was preserved by WordPress. As a blogging tool, it supported the same connective features that Radio did. There were some it couldn't cover because Radi...