Scripting News: Thursday, June 27, 2024
Thursday, June 27, 2024 The subscription problem # Yesterday I did a podcast in my new podcast-only feed that explained how RSS had its moment between 2002 and 2006. The big event in 2002 was support from the NY Times, and in 2006 it was the advent of Twitter. # The NY Times support gave us the news flow of one of the greatest and most respected news orgs. The entire news publishing industry followed, with incredible speed. It was an amazing time. Woodstock on the web. Everyone who was anyone was there. # Inbetween, RSS got the rep of being too hard for average people. The only reason for this deserved reputation is that subscription was a mess. Every website had to figure it out for themselves, and every feed reader acted as if they were the only feed reader in the world. RSS, which could have been the foundation of something very much like Twitter, never got out the corner of the market where it was totally adored, by people who were motiv...