
目前显示的是 十一月 9, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thursday, November 9, 2023 Feed Hunter is a new NPM package that looks for a feed, starting with the address of an HTML file. We first look for feeds that are linked into the HTML source code. If we don't find a working feed there, we look in 27 common locations where feeds are often found. And btw, there's a new version of FeedLand that uses this package, so we do better at finding feeds. Thanks to the Indieblog site which keeps a great list of blogs with feeds. We used that info to come up with our list of default locations. We also used the list of feeds people have subscribed to in FeedLand. # For FeedLand users and others, how did you feel about the starter feeds you were offered when you first signed on? # The thing people don't like about AI isn't that the machines are trying to be human, rather it's that you could be a machine. # I wonder if Stack Overflow tried to do a deal with ChatGPT to flow human knowledge through their data


OneNews 应急管理部首次颁发消防救援纪念章 Nov 10, 2023 · 1 min read 记者11月9日从应急管理部获悉,经报党中央、国务院批准,设立消防救援纪念章。近日,应急管理部印发《消防救援纪念章颁发管理办法(试行)》并举行首次颁章仪式。消防救援纪念章制度的建立,进一步完善了社会尊崇的消防职业荣誉体系,将激励广大消防救援人员许党报国、担当奉献,更好地肩负起保护人民群众生命财产安全和维护社会稳定的神圣职责使命。 图为消防救援纪念章。(应急管理部供图) 据悉,消防救援纪念章共设立三类七种。消防救援纪念章颁发对象为国家综合性消防救援队伍干部和消防员,以及由国家综合性消防救援队伍统一管理指挥的地方政府专职消防队员、消防文员。 其中,金质、银质、铜质"消防救援服务纪念章"分别颁发给从事消防救援工作满30年、16年、8年的消防救援人员;金质、银质、铜质"献身消防救援纪念章"分别颁发给烈士和因公牺牲、因公致残的消防救援人员;"重大消防救援任务纪念章"颁发给执行有关重大灭火救援、抢险救灾和消防安全保卫等任务的消防救援人员。(记者叶昊鸣、王聿昊) Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode