
目前显示的是 七月 22, 2023的博文

Minecraft Game Mechanics: A Comprehensive Overview

HackPig520's Blog Minecraft Game Mechanics: A Comprehensive Overview Jul 23, 2023 · 3 min read Introduction Minecraft is a popular sandbox video game developed by Mojang Studios. Released in 2011, it quickly gained a massive following due to its open-world nature and the freedom it offers to players. In this essay, we will explore the various game mechanics that make Minecraft a unique and engaging experience. From the basics of gameplay to advanced systems and features, we will delve into the essence of Minecraft's mechanics. 1. World Generation and Biomes At the heart of Minecraft is its procedurally generated world. The game's universe is composed of vast landscapes, each divided into biomes. Biomes are distinct regions with specific environmental characteristics, such as forests, deserts, mountains, and oceans. The terrain and vegetation in each biome vary, allowing for diverse exploration experiences. 2. Crafting and Resources Resource gathering is a

What is CDN mean and How does it work?

HackPig520's Blog What is CDN mean and How does it work? Then how to choose a better CDN Jul 23, 2023 · 2 min read What is a CDN? A content delivery network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network of servers that deliver content to users based on their geographic location. This can improve the performance of web pages and applications by reducing the distance that data needs to travel. CDNs are used by businesses of all sizes to improve the performance of their websites and applications. They are also used by content providers such as video streaming services and online gaming platforms to deliver content to users around the world. How does a CDN work? When a user requests a resource from a website that is served by a CDN, the request is routed to the CDN server that is closest to the user. The CDN server then delivers the resource to the user. This process can significantly improve the performance of the website or application, as the user does not need t

How to Making an HTTP request in Assembly (ASM)

HackPig520's Blog How to Making an HTTP request in Assembly (ASM) Jul 23, 2023 · 4 min read Making an HTTP request in Assembly (ASM) language directly is quite complex and not a practical approach. Assembly language is typically low-level and designed to interact with the hardware of a computer, rather than dealing with network protocols like HTTP. However, you can make an HTTP request from Assembly by calling external libraries or using system calls provided by the operating system. These libraries or system calls will handle the complexities of networking and HTTP for you. To demonstrate this, I'll provide an example of how you can make an HTTP request using x86 Assembly language on Linux. We'll use the C library's functions to perform the HTTP request. Keep in mind that this is just one way to do it, and different platforms or Assembly dialects might require different approaches. In this example, we'll use the libc functions socket() , connect(

Making an HTTP request in Assembly (ASM)

 Making an HTTP request in Assembly (ASM) language directly is quite complex and not a practical approach. Assembly language is typically low-level and designed to interact with the hardware of a computer, rather than dealing with network protocols like HTTP. However, you can make an HTTP request from Assembly by calling external libraries or using system calls provided by the operating system. These libraries or system calls will handle the complexities of networking and HTTP for you. To demonstrate this, I'll provide an example of how you can make an HTTP request using x86 Assembly language on Linux. We'll use the C library's functions to perform the HTTP request. Keep in mind that this is just one way to do it, and different platforms or Assembly dialects might require different approaches. In this example, we'll use the `libc` functions `socket()`, `connect()`, `send()`, and `recv()` to perform a basic HTTP GET request to a web server and print the response. ```asse


HackPig520's Blog 李克强会见国际著名数学家丘成桐 Feb 26, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社北京2月26日电 2月24日,国务院总理李克强在中南海紫光阁会见国际著名数学家丘成桐先生。 李克强说,科技创新和发展需要基础科学的重要支撑,数学是基础科学的基础,可以说是自然科学的皇冠。要尊重科学规律,强化基础科学研究,扎扎实实把科技创新和发展的基础打牢。支持科研人员秉持十年磨一剑的精神,潜心向学,保持定力,力戒浮躁,发挥想象力和创造力,实现新的突破。要尊重人才,营造尽展其才的环境。加强国际交流合作,共同为人类文明进步贡献力量。 丘成桐先生长期从事数学研究和教育,是世界首位获国际数学界最高荣誉菲尔兹奖的华人,近年来在中国致力于基础学科建设和杰出数学人才培养。 肖捷参加会见。 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 HackPig520's Blog 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode


OneNews 习言道|耕地是粮食生产的命根子 Jul 23, 2023 · 1 min read 耕地是我国最为宝贵的资源,对于耕地保护,习近平总书记念兹在兹,他强调,耕地是粮食生产的命根子,要落实藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略,切实加强耕地保护。 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode


OneNews 望长江|江苏:退捕渔民的用心守护 Jul 23, 2023 · 1 min read showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2023/7/23/e908c0b9-a390-45c6-8af3-1dea2dd249a0.xml",width:640,height:360,autoplay:0}); 一人,一船,行在长江上。从"捕鱼人"变"护鱼人",他用心守护着一江清水。 在江苏省南通市的长江岸边,住着一位"护鱼人"费长中,他是盐城建湖人,家中三代都是渔民,30多年前,他带着一家人来南通长江边,以捕鱼为生。 南通全面启动长江沿线的生态修复工作后,费长中第一个上交渔船、第一个就地拆解。在费长中的带领下,周边渔民们全部按时完成了退捕工作,在政府的支持、安置、帮扶下上岸"扎根",开启了新生活。 "一定保护好长江母亲河。"如今,费长中依旧每天护江、清江、巡江,守护着长江,守护着母亲河。 策划:李拯宇 出品:孙志平 制片:樊华、幸培瑜 主编:杨咏、杨云燕 编导:王洪流 记者:李雨泽 报道员:陈航宇、彭军君、江建华 包装:刘宇轩 新华社音视频部制作 新华通讯社出品 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode

【新思想引领新征程】加强基础研究 打造原始创新策源地

OneNews 【新思想引领新征程】加强基础研究 打造原始创新策源地 Jul 23, 2023 · 1 min read showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2023/7/23/54faa324-0300-4839-9860-6d8b35cf6f34.xml",width:640,height:360,autoplay:0}); 央视网消息 (新闻联播):习近平总书记强调,加强基础研究,是实现高水平科技自立自强的迫切要求,是建设世界科技强国的必由之路。随着顶层设计布局不断完善、基础研究投入持续增加,我国重大基础研究攻关任务稳步推进,取得一批原始创新重大突破,基础研究整体实力显著提升,不断夯实科技自立自强根基。 近日,位于贵州的中国天眼传来好消息,FAST发现的脉冲星数量已超过800颗,这一数量是自其投入运行以来,国外同类型观测设备脉冲星发现总数的三倍以上。 从落成启用到正式运行,习近平总书记十分关心中国天眼,勉励大家要勇攀世界科技高峰,在一些领域实现并跑领跑,为加快建设科技强国、实现科技自立自强作出新的更大贡献。 牢记总书记"早出成果、多出成果、出好成果、出大成果"的嘱托,科研团队依托FAST三年半的观测数据开展原创性研究,实现了国外团队用20年的数据积累才完成的科研工作,探测到了纳赫兹引力波存在的关键性证据。 基础研究是科技创新的源头。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央全面实施创新驱动发展战略,将基础研究作为科技自立自强的根基。今年2月,习近平总书记在中共中央政治局就加强基础研究进行第三次集体学习时指出,应对国际科技竞争、实现高水平自立自强,推动构建新发展格局、实现高质量发展,迫切需要我们加强基础研究,从源头和底层解决关键技术问题。 把握大趋势,下好先手棋。近年来,我国不断强化基础研究顶层设计和系统布局,发布《关于全面加强基础科学研究的若干意见》和基础研究十年规划等政策文件。基础研究经费从2012年的499亿元增长到2022年的1951亿元,占全社会研发投入比重连续4年超过6%。围绕量子信息、人工智能、生物育种、脑科学等战略性前瞻性领域,我国部署了一批前沿基础领域的重大项目,从科学源头和技术根部支撑关键核心技术攻关。 地基打得牢,科技事业大厦