
目前显示的是 三月 12, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 Today I'm working on titles . # Tim Berners-Lee's idea for user-owned and controlled storage is good. Can't tell you how many times, as a developer, I wanted this. To get it going it'll need at least a couple of compelling apps, to seed the bootstrap. Like MacWrite and MacPaint for the Mac. Without that, it can't even begin. I could help with their bootstrap if I had some belief they had would not crush developers, which is harder to do than it sounds. The only times it has worked for me, for a little while, was when I created the platform and apps and content (you need all three). But the huge companies have no vision for the role of developers, so these things rarely even get off the ground, and who's going to sign up to believe in the goodness of a huge company. It's a very steep road TBL has chosen to travel. I have argued with my friends at Automattic that they are in a golden position to do this since they alr


OneNews "发展是实现人民幸福的关键"(总书记的人民情怀) Mar 13, 2024 · 1 min read "总书记,您平时这么忙,还来看我们,真的感谢您。" "我忙就是忙这些事,'国之大者'就是人民的幸福生活。" 2021年春,在广西考察的习近平总书记见证了毛竹山村的幸福——依靠新发展起来的葡萄产业,家家户户住楼房,村民生活变了样。 showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2024/3/13/924627b5-97ed-4292-bd11-558e789a1a24.xml",width:640,height:360,autoplay:0}); 今年全国两会期间,习近平总书记在参加江苏代表团审议时强调,"要坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,在发展中稳步提升民生保障水平"。 国之称富者,在乎丰民。习近平总书记指出:"发展是实现人民幸福的关键。" 河北正定,从"高产穷县"到殷实"好县",靠发展;福建宁德,连家船民从海上漂泊到搬迁上岸,还是靠发展…… 习近平总书记指出,只有坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享,才会有正确的发展观、现代化观。 发展为了谁?答案在中国共产党的宗旨里,在人民领袖的足迹里。跋山涉水,走遍14个集中连片特困地区;深入基层,察实情、听民意……百姓冷暖,总书记时时放心不下。 "人民幸福安康是推动高质量发展的最终目的。"2023年全国两会期间,总书记这样阐释锚定高质量发展这个首要任务的深意。 目标宏伟,也很朴素,就是让全体中国人民都过上好日子。 事物在矛盾的对立统一中发展,发展带来的新挑战不比不发展时少。向内看,从"有没有"到"好不好",矛盾在变;向外看,世界百年未有之大变局加速演进,世界在变。中国经济前景向好,也面临挑战。 高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的首要任务。发展是党执政兴国的第一要务。没有坚实的物质技术基础,就不可能全面建成社会主义现代化强国。习近平总书记深谋远虑:"新形势下发展不能穿新鞋走老

The key to writing highly reusable Vue components (2/4)

Hey there! In yesterday's email we talked about the importance of reusability in your Vue components. Today I'm going to share with you the key to making that a reality. I had asked what you thought the key feature for writing highly reusable components is. My inbox filled up with great replies from you! ​ The most common answers I got were slots, composables, and props. ​ So, what's the answer? Based on this informal "poll", I think many of you will be surprised. The Key Feature We have to go back about 7 years, to when I first started working on a component library at my job. One thing you need to know about me is that I love weird ideas. So one Friday afternoon I found myself trying to see if I could build an entire Vue application entirely inside of the template block — no script block allowed . I have no clue where I got the idea,