
目前显示的是 十二月 6, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 We could make this election a literary expo. Get the great apocalypse scifi and poliscifi authors to write a daily installment of what President Trump and his governing mafia will be doing on 1/20/25 on 1/20/24. Every day a new atrocity in serial form. A textcast. Finally something worth writing about. # Recreating Twitter is boring. One of these ventures that's trying to do that should blow the doors off the whole thing, and get rid of every limit. Just support writing and reading and get on with it . # Linkblog items for the day. Best TV Shows 2023: 'The Bear,' 'The Last of Us' and More. nytimes.com The idea of posting on your blog and cross-posting to lots of place is the right idea, no argument there, the problem is that the places you can actually cross-post to are few and far-between. scripting.com Beeper Mini brings iMessage to Android. theverge.com Norman Lear, Whose Comedies Changed the Fac


OneNews 【良法善治】习言道|习近平法治思想,彰显人民至上 Dec 7, 2023 · 1 min read showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2023/12/7/5db9d171-5e97-4961-acda-73848722b2fe.xml",autoplay:0,width:640,height:360}); 习近平法治思想坚持人民主体地位,坚持法治为了人民、依靠人民、造福人民、保护人民。一起重温总书记有关法治的重要论述,感受党和国家如何以民为本,循法而行,对公平正义的探索和实践使人民群众的获得感、幸福感、安全感不断增强。 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode


OneNews 【每日一习话】广大志愿者向世界展示了蓬勃向上的中国青年形象 Dec 7, 2023 · 1 min read showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2023/12/7/7a222793-5528-4d98-9729-14d361a24afa.xml",autoplay:0,width:640,height:360}); (欢迎点击视频,观看本期《每日一习话》) 习近平:广大志愿者用青春和奉献提供了暖心的服务,向世界展示了蓬勃向上的中国青年形象。 这段话出自2022年4月8日习近平总书记在北京冬奥会、冬残奥会总结表彰大会上的讲话。 志愿服务是现代社会文明进步的重要标志,也是广大志愿者奉献爱心的重要渠道。如今,以青年志愿者为主体的中国特色志愿服务已成为党和国家事业的重要组成部分,成为社会主义现代化国家建设的重要力量。 新时代十年来,我们广大志愿者和各级各类志愿队伍在脱贫攻坚、灾害救助、奥运赛事、国际会议、重大活动、公益宣传、节日庆典中,用实际行动彰显着责任意识和使命担当。据全国志愿服务统计数据显示,目前,全国实名志愿者总数达2.34亿人,志愿队伍135万支,已开展志愿服务项目1152万个,服务总时长超过53亿小时。特别是越来越多的青年主动投身各类志愿活动,中国青年蓬勃向上的形象被世界所熟知。从冬奥会的"小雪花"到亚运会的"小青荷",从进博会的"小叶子"到世界制造业大会的"小合苗",在各类大型中外交流项目活动中,广大青年志愿者用自己的专业和热情服务他人、奉献社会,展现了当代中国青年乐观向上、自信自强的精神面貌,架起沟通世界的友谊桥梁。去年2月,在北京冬奥会闭幕式上,国际奥委会主席巴赫特意用中文向志愿者道谢;今年9月,亚奥理事会代理主席辛格则在杭州亚运会开幕式致辞中表示,亚运会的顺利举办离不开"小青荷"的奉献。 生逢盛世,重任在肩。新时代的中国青年正亲身参与中华民族伟大复兴的历史进程,他们有着深厚的家国情怀、开阔的国际视野,更有着顽强拼搏的苦干实干精神。12月5日是第38个国际志愿者日。我们广大青年志愿者要继续大力弘扬奉献、友爱、互助、进步的志愿精神,以实际行动展现担当


OneNews 【非凡新时代】自我革命 Dec 7, 2023 · 1 min read showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2023/12/7/40476574-0195-4627-9836-0d23a7cf5c3e.xml",autoplay:0,width:640,height:360}); 全面从严治党是新时代党的自我革命的伟大实践,开辟了百年大党自我革命的新境界。 从制定和落实中央八项规定开局破题,我们持之以恒正风肃纪,以钉钉子精神纠治"四风",反对特权思想和特权现象,坚决整治群众身边的不正之风和腐败问题,刹住了一些长期没有刹住的歪风,纠治了一些多年未除的顽瘴痼疾。 教育部习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心、中央广播电视总台央视网联合推出18集微纪录视频《非凡新时代》,与您一起回望过去十年,共同感受日新月异的伟大祖国。 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode

🔥 (#142) Slots, state, and loops

Hey there! It's December, and Christmas is just around the corner. I've had my tree up for a couple weeks now, and I've been enjoying all the cheesy Christmas movies! And lots of hot chocolate, too. As always, I've got some tips for you. Have a great week! — Michael 🔥 What are all these loops for? I always forget this, so this tip is mostly for me — hopefully, I won't have to keep looking this up! We have 3 types of for loops in Javascript: for...in for...of for But how do you know which one to use? For iterating through properties of an object, use for...in : const  numbers  =   {    'one' :   1 ,    'two' :   2 ,    'three' :   3 , } ; // We get the properties of the object, not the values for   ( const  number  in  numbers )   {    console . log ( number ) ; } // Prints: 'one' 'two' 'three