Scripting News: Sunday, December 17, 2023
Sunday, December 17, 2023 I read Brent's piece on Mastodon and NetNewsWire, holding my breath hoping he'd arrive at the same answer I did, and he did. RSS is perfect for Mastodon, it supports RSS, as does NNW (of course), and that's imho exactly the right way to connect the two. That's how we're doing it in FeedLand . And in case Brent reads this, the same approach works for Bluesky, which has excellent RSS 2.0 support thanks to the work done by John Spurlock. The RSS 2.0 support there has more features than Mastodon's RSS feeds, but so far is not part of the Bluesky platform (I am urging them to adopt it). Here's the feed for Brent's account on Bluesky, and mine . RSS is a perfect format for open non-silo'd social web apps. It gives us the most interop, most quickly. They should all be getting on board the RSS bandwagon, asap, imho. It's too good an opportunity to pass up. # One interesting way to make our feed readers smarte...