Scripting News: Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 10-minute podcast about today's Blogroll-out. # That's a blogroll, over there. # Blogrolls were a common feature in early websites. A list of blogs you follow. A checklist of places to look at. Advertising our web friendships. Blogrolls were the beginning of today's social web. # It's time to take a fresh look at the humble blogroll. # Screen shot of home page, with blogroll, shortly after launch. # Here's the lowdown on the blogroll and where it's going. # Blogrolls are for watchers # Here's a screen shot of the new software that came out today, the blogroll feature on Scripting News . # It's a post on Manton's blog , viewed in the blogroll on my site, talking about stuff on my site. # As we used to say in the Old School Blogosphere: "Watching them watch us, watch them watching us, etc, etc." # Manton's blog is expanded, revealing the five most recent po...