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Scripting News: Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 10-minute podcast about today's Blogroll-out. # That's a blogroll, over there. # Blogrolls were a common feature in early websites. A list of blogs you follow. A checklist of places to look at. Advertising our web friendships. Blogrolls were the beginning of today's social web. # It's time to take a fresh look at the humble blogroll. # Screen shot of home page, with blogroll, shortly after launch. # Here's the lowdown on the blogroll and where it's going. # Blogrolls are for watchers # Here's a screen shot of the new software that came out today, the blogroll feature on Scripting News . # It's a post on Manton's blog , viewed in the blogroll on my site, talking about stuff on my site. # As we used to say in the Old School Blogosphere: "Watching them watch us, watch them watching us, etc, etc." # Manton's blog is expanded, revealing the five most recent po


OneNews 担当作为,推动高质量发展 Mar 13, 2024 · 1 min read 图①:重庆佛图关隧道附近春意盎然,轨道交通列车穿越而过。 贺志付摄(人民视觉) 图②:贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州锦屏县敦寨镇敦寨村一带,金黄的油菜花与村庄、河流、树木等相映成趣。 李必祥摄(人民视觉) 3月11日,十四届全国人大二次会议胜利闭幕。与会代表担当职责使命,不负人民重托,为推进中国式现代化建设积极建言献策,书写了高举旗帜、真抓实干、团结奋进的新篇章。 今年是中华人民共和国成立75周年,是实现"十四五"规划目标任务的关键一年。笃行不怠再扬帆,履职尽责向未来。代表们表示,会后,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,牢牢把握高质量发展这个首要任务,充分发挥积极性主动性创造性,在各自的岗位上以"时时放心不下"的责任感、积极担当作为的精气神履好职、尽好责,为以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业而不懈奋斗。 ——编 者 鼓劲提气,把好消息带给工友 全国人大代表、中国建筑五局总承包公司项目质量总监 邹 彬 我是从农民工群体中走出来的全国人大代表,为农民工代言责无旁贷。会议期间,我认真审议相关报告,并结合自身工作实际,结合前期调研了解的情况作了发言。我介绍,推动农民工向新时代建筑产业工人转型的政策支持力度持续加大,但农民工群体青黄不接、代际断层的问题仍未缓解,建筑工人老龄化十分严重,高素质建筑工人依旧短缺。在中国式现代化建设中,推动农民工向新型产业工人转型迫在眉睫。我呼吁继续加大对农民工权益的保障,尤其是对大龄农民工合法权益的保护以及对农民工子女的服务保障,并且建议城乡、政企共同努力,加强对农民工的职业技能和精神素养培育,推动建筑产业模式和行业生态升级。我的发言引起很多与会代表的关注,大家在一起深入交流,这让我对相关问题的认识更深入了,提出的建议也更科学、更有建设性了。 通过今年全国两会,我也进一步认识到,党和国家高度重视技能人才培养。近年来,关于建筑产业工人队伍建设的政策越来越完善,为农民工搭建的技能培训和各类技能竞赛平台逐渐增多,全社会大力弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神,建筑产业工人群体社会认同感也在不断提升。我要将会议期间了解到的关乎农民工群体的好政策、好消息带给工友,让他们进一

The magic of scoped slots in Vue ✨ (3/4)

Hey! In yesterday's email I shared what I think is the key feature to making Vue components highly reusable: Scoped slots. But scoped slots are hard to grasp, and even more difficult to master. So today, we're going to make sure we understand them on a deep, intuitive level. Then, I'm going to introduce you to the magic ✨ of scoped slots. The trick is to think of them as functions. Slots are just functions We're going to recreate the functionality of slots, but we'll use a regular Javascript function that only returns HTML. This is the code we'll replicate: <!-- Parent --> < template >   < div  class = "modal-container" >     < div  class = "modal" >       Content in the Parent       < Child  class = "mb-4"  v-slot = "{ text }" >