Scripting News: Wednesday, March 13, 2024

10-minute podcast about today's Blogroll-out. #
That's a blogroll, over there. #
Blogrolls were a common feature in early websites. A list of blogs you follow. A checklist of places to look at. Advertising our web friendships. Blogrolls were the beginning of today's social web.#
It's time to take a fresh look at the humble blogroll. #
Screen shot of home page, with blogroll, shortly after launch. #
Here's the lowdown on the blogroll and where it's going.#
Here's a screen shot of the new software that came out today, the blogroll feature on Scripting News. #
It's a post on Manton's blog, viewed in the blogroll on my site, talking about stuff on my site. #
As we used to say in the Old School Blogosphere: "Watching them watch us, watch them watching us, etc, etc."#
Manton's blog is expanded, revealing the five most recent posts. The cursor points at one, showing the full text in a tool tip. Click the link to visit the post on his blog.#
Shortly after posting this item, Scripting News showed as the top item in the blogroll.#
Then Doc Searls posted on his blog, and I had to snap a screen shot. #
Did you know that Doc coined the term blogroll? #
Then Gruber showed up from Daring Fireball. It's a bit like a party. 😄 #
Today was a very exciting day here, I think tomorrow will be too.#
This image was the result of a late night collaboration with ChatGPT. For some reason it can't spell anything right, and when I asked it to correct the spelling it mocked me. But I loved the design. It understood the hard part of what I was asking for. #
The Knicks have been slumping since two of their top players have been out with injuries for over a month, after having an amazing January. One of the two star players came back last night, and what a difference! They went from being a team that could barely put a starting five on the court to having the deepest bench in the NBA. I was trying to do the math, but came up empty. They were absolutely unstoppable. Now that they have two superstars on the court at once, the opposing team can't just double or triple-team the one player, it's basically impossible to defend against their schtick. At the same time, the Knicks are great at defense. When the second injured player comes back, and it seems that will be soon, we might be back in the January mode that was so exciting. Even so, last night's game was a return to greatness. They blew out the 76ers, something that would have been unthinkable a couple of years ago. It's fun being a Knicks fan again! ❤️ #

Linkblog items for the day.

Putin Recalls Trump Acting Like Jealous GF in Private.
Scripting News: Blogrolls are for watchers.
Quotebacks sounds interesting.
I was glad to hear that Om Malik, one of the (original) ur-bloggers, has a blogroll on his site. I was almost going to say "still" but blogrolls are now officially on their way back.
Copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.
This email was sent on: 3/14/2024, 12:00:01 AM Eastern.
"You can fake caring, but you can't fake showing up."
This blog has been running for: 29 years, 5 months, 7 days, 9 hours, 0 minutes, 1 second.
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Scripting News: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024