Scripting News: Friday, January 12, 2024
Friday, January 12, 2024 Fixed a bug in that caused it to display only the All tab, leaving the other tabs inaccessible. Glad to get it fixed now and sorry for the breakage. Please keep the error reports coming. # It's good that people are thinking of leaving Substack . I didn't like what they were doing because they were yet another place that requires you to use their editor to publish through their platform, probably because their business model requires a fair amount of lock-in. I like using the editor that I do all my writing in, and I don't see why I can't just post directly from there. Even if they don't have an API, it's pretty easy to set it up so it posts from a feed . If you're thinking about leaving Substack, good for you. Please insist that your new platform lets you post via a feed. If they say it's too hard, give them my email address, and I'll show them how to do it. # My night at the De...