Scripting News: Saturday, November 18, 2023
Saturday, November 18, 2023 If the Dead concert won't come to Dave, then Dave must go to the Dead concert. # The first miracle of the web was that people could write and share knowledge. This was thought to have been a failure as journalism focused on abusive social media systems. But that's where the second miracle, AI, got all its info from. I guess something worked. 💥 # Colin Walker adapted his feed reader to support artcasting feeds. Also it turns out a number of established feed readers already do the right thing with image enclosures. So that nails it, this is the way to do it. Support in FeedLand will be added shortly. # Linkblog items for the day. There's nothing new about Nazis. This Louisiana Village Brought in $1 Million Through a Court Where the Mayor Is the Judge. You shouldn't be driving over 100 mph — and your car shouldn't let you. Details emerge of surprise b...