
目前显示的是 二月 24, 2025的博文

Scripting News: Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday, February 24, 2025 WordLand user : "Does it make a difference if I can just dash off a short note without all the other bullshit that goes with publishing online." Yes, it should be as easy to take a note in WordPress as it is in Bluesky. I didn't buy that assumption that WordPress has to be heavy machinery for writers. What if I just want to write something quickly and get back to the other thing I was working on. Also the edit box in WordLand starts out the size of a tiny little text box, but grows as you add more words. You are allowed to keep going. No character limit. # Just saw a report that styling isn't working in WordLand in latest versions of Safari. We're using MediumEditor to do the editing. Did a quick query in Claude.ai and there do appear to be some compatibility issues with Safari. A request that people actually report these problems in the repo, via the Support link in the main menu, otherwise it's hit or miss. Thanks....

Weekly Vue News #186 - Run Heavy Computations Smoothly in Vue with Web Workers

Weekly Vue News #186 Run Heavy Computations Smoothly in Vue with Web Workers View online Hi 👋 Not much progress on my SaaS starter kit this week. Right now, I'm mainly focused on preparing for the construction of our house, which kicks off next month. Exciting times ahead! Enjoy this issue and have a lovely week ☀️ ...