
目前显示的是 十月 15, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday, October 15, 2023 At lunch today we were joined by a few dozen yellowjackets at an outdoor noodle bar in Woodstock . They don't sting, but they sure are annoying. A waitress put out a little dish of honey to draw them away from us and our food. Recalls a piece I wrote in the early blogging days (1996) about bees in my Woodside (California) yard . # Every account on Bluesky has an excellent RSS feed . I just realized I can convert my Artshow app that used to run on the Twitter API to run on Bluesky art feeds. This is going to be interesting. # Note to people running their own FeedLand instances. There's a new version of the server that handles reading lists . This will be an important feature going forward. Right now what it needs most is testing and feedback. The user interface is very provisional. # Drummer and OPML files # Drummer 's native file format is OPML and OPML is the format for reading lists. This has led to some very...


OneNews 创造属于我们这个时代的新文化——深入学习领会习近平文化思想评述 Oct 15, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社北京10月15日电 题:创造属于我们这个时代的新文化——深入学习领会习近平文化思想评述 新华社记者 金秋十月,全国宣传思想文化工作会议在京召开,会议正式提出习近平文化思想。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的文化篇,在马克思主义中国化时代化进程中浓墨重彩、熠熠生辉。 一切划时代的理论,都是满足时代需要的产物。一百多年来,中国共产党正是在不断攀登新的思想高峰中开拓通向真理的道路,在实践创造中进行文化创造,在历史进步中实现文化进步。 迈步新征程,习近平文化思想为担负起新的文化使命提供了强大思想武器和科学行动指南,中华民族以更加坚定的历史自信、文化自信,向着强国建设、民族复兴昂扬奋进。 (一) 2021年7月1日,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会。 见证无数中华民族历史时刻的北京天安门广场,铭刻下新时代中国共产党人的庄严宣告—— "必须继续推进马克思主义中国化,坚持把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合、同中华优秀传统文化相结合"。 "第二个结合"甫一提出,迅速在思想理论文化界激荡起强烈共鸣,标志着习近平总书记关于文化建设的理论成果已经成熟。 "观乎天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下。"以文化人、文以载道的深厚智慧,熔铸于五千多年中华文明的悠久历史。 关于文化,习近平总书记一直有着深邃的思考。 早在从政之初,习近平同志就格外关心县域文化建设,主导修复正定隆兴寺、保护隋碑、组织编写《正定古今》。 在福建宁德,习近平同志也在思索"文化"这个关键命题。《摆脱贫困》中写道:"中华民族的传统文化在民族的延续和发展中起到了积极的作用。在几千年的文明发展史中,我们已经树立了强烈的民族自信心,无论是在民族危亡,还是在民族昌盛时期,这种自信心都是我们民族精神中最稳定的成分。" 文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。 在漫长的历史进程中,中华民族创造了悠久灿烂的文明,却也曾在近代遭受国家蒙辱、人民蒙难、文明蒙尘的劫难。 自成立之日起,中国共产党就把建设民族的科学的大众的中华民族新文化作为自己的使命。 中国...

I started learning SQL again for 10 days

Stephen's blog I started learning SQL again for 10 days Oct 15, 2023 · 4 min read Preface🎯 I'm a senior data engineer. I've used SQL in a commercial environment since 2018. But I've recently felt the urge to revisit my roots. Why??? https://twitter.com/sdw_online/status/1709246968189362524 Data engineering is not for the faint-hearted. It's not uncommon to hear engineers having to constantly jump from one urgent task to another, and finding themselves in "firefighting" mode. This rush pushes us to learn new tools that could sometimes come at the expense of foundational skills like SQL, especially in my case. In my case, I focused more on Spark and Python over the past couple of years as my responsibilities grew, and therefore less on the foundational SQL How did you go about re-learning SQL?🤔💭 There's a challenge called the #30DaysOfSQL challenge, where software engineers code with SQL for 30 days straight by engaging in projects...