Scripting News: Sunday, October 15, 2023
Sunday, October 15, 2023 At lunch today we were joined by a few dozen yellowjackets at an outdoor noodle bar in Woodstock . They don't sting, but they sure are annoying. A waitress put out a little dish of honey to draw them away from us and our food. Recalls a piece I wrote in the early blogging days (1996) about bees in my Woodside (California) yard . # Every account on Bluesky has an excellent RSS feed . I just realized I can convert my Artshow app that used to run on the Twitter API to run on Bluesky art feeds. This is going to be interesting. # Note to people running their own FeedLand instances. There's a new version of the server that handles reading lists . This will be an important feature going forward. Right now what it needs most is testing and feedback. The user interface is very provisional. # Drummer and OPML files # Drummer 's native file format is OPML and OPML is the format for reading lists. This has led to some very...