
目前显示的是 十一月 24, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday, November 24, 2023 Christmas season is officially with us here in the United States, as today is our most commercially consumptive holiday, Black Friday . Maybe the most American holiday of all. But it's also a time to be jolly and kind, nice not naughty, doing our part to consume at ever-increasing rates to keep the US economy humming. And it's a time for love, one hopes. Even so it's time to put Santa in his place, in the margin of Scripting News! I did my part today, buying a nice curved monitor for my Mac mini, and a new smaller TV for the den. Socks and a couple of nice shirts. # I'm working on a new version of the Scripting News home page, the first since 2017. There will be more tabs, that run down the left margin instead of the top. It'll have the content of Scripting News in the first tab, as it works now. And the linkblog will be the next tab. Then the tabs from news.scripting.com followed by the About page outline . And lots o


OneNews 为繁荣世界文明百花园注入思想和文化力量 ——习近平主席致世界中国学大会·上海论坛贺信为推动文明交流互鉴提供重要指引 Nov 24, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社上海11月24日电 题:为繁荣世界文明百花园注入思想和文化力量——习近平主席致世界中国学大会·上海论坛贺信为推动文明交流互鉴提供重要指引 新华社记者 11月24日,习近平主席向世界中国学大会·上海论坛致贺信,深刻阐明了中国学研究的重要意义,表达了对各国专家学者当好融通中外文明使者的殷切期望,在与会中外嘉宾和社会各界中引发强烈共鸣。 大家纷纷表示,习近平主席的贺信为推动文明交流互鉴、促进世界中国学繁荣发展提供了重要指引,接下来将以此次论坛为契机,进一步加强学术交流和研究成果转化,为不同文明的传承、发展、创新贡献更多智慧力量。 让世界更好认识中国、读懂中国 从参加第三届"一带一路"国际合作高峰论坛,到参加此次世界中国学大会·上海论坛,尼日利亚中国研究中心主任查尔斯·奥努纳伊朱深有感触。他表示,习近平主席对文明对话与国际交流的高度重视一以贯之,此次贺信中又鲜明提出了一系列新观点新理念,为我们多角度、多领域了解中国提供了新的思路、新的启迪。 "习近平主席在贺信中指出,中国学是历史中国之学,也是当代中国之学,言简意赅指明了中国学的内涵外延,对中国学研究具有指导意义。"在论坛开幕式现场聆听了习近平主席贺信,复旦大学中国研究院院长张维为表示,今天的中国,具有传统性更具有现代性,古代中国创造了辉煌灿烂的中华文明,现代中国必定会让中华文明走向新的辉煌。 "今天中国取得的成就令全球瞩目,越来越多的国家更加关注中国、研究中国,埃塞俄比亚的中国学研究也在不断发展壮大。"埃塞俄比亚前总理海尔马里亚姆在视频致辞中表示,本届论坛以"全球视野下的中华文明与中国道路"为主题,为大家深入研讨中华民族现代文明创新实践的伟大意义提供了宝贵的交流机会。 "溯历史的源头才能理解现实的世界,循文化的根基才能辨识当今的中国。习近平主席在贺信中从方法论上指导我们今后如何从更深层次理解古代之中国、认识现代之中国、把握未来之中国。"学习了习近平主席的贺信,福建省厦门市文化和旅游局对

🎉 What people are saying about Clean Components Toolkit

Hey there! ​ Clean Components Toolkit was launched a couple days ago, and the response has been incredible so far! I wanted to show you more of what you'll get when you buy the toolkit. And don't forget — right now it has an awesome 33% discount, but only until December 1st! ​ You can get it here . — Michael What you'll learn Here are some things you'll learn from the toolkit: Revamp your v-if usage : a simple technique that can clean up your codebase , making it more readable and maintainable. Discover the core principle of state management in Vue, with profound implications that could reshape your entire approach to app architecture. Explore a rarely discussed concept that dictates state behavior, rooted in Vue's foundational principles - a game-changer for advanced developers. A fresh approach to MVC in Vue : Adapt and apply the best aspects of this classic paradi