Scripting News: Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Good morning sports fans! # I'm working in another co-working place today, as I did yesterday and last week. I much prefer working at my house, where I can take a nap when I need a break, or just walk around and mutter out loud or scream in delight when something works that I didn't expect to. Or laugh out loud when I write something that amuses me, like right now. I'll just smile. Don't want to freak out the people around me. This idea of commuting to work kind of sucks. It's been a very long time since I did this. On the drive into work a guy cut in front of me merging into one lane (from two) with lots of advance warning. Okay I was a dick, I made it hard for him to do it, and the fucker hit my car! My beautiful Model Y. It was just the mirror, and it swiveled so there was no damage but what the fuck. This wasn't even NYC. I got a picture of his license plate. I honked my horn and yelled. Then I got over it. I admit...