
目前显示的是 二月 5, 2024的博文

[제안] 직원 PC 모니터링 시스템

포앤비 직원 PC 모니터링 시스템 ! !!       회사 기밀 유출 우리 회사는 어떻습니까 ? 내부 금융사고 근무시간 딴짓   이젠 안심하고 " 직원 PC 모니터링 (JTM) " 을 도입하세요 . ( 주 ) 포앤비가 경영진의 의구심을 모두 떨쳐드리겠습니다 .         ◈ 포앤비 JTM 특징 ◈     □ 직원 PC 화면 모니터링 근무자가 PC 에서 어떤 작업을 하고 있는지 PC 화면 실시간 모니터링 .   □ 인터넷 접속 기록 모니터링 접속한 사이트 주소 , 접속 시간을 업무 / 비업무용으로 구분하여 통계 제공 .   □ 프로그램 사용 기록 모니터링 사용한 프로그램 명칭 , 사용 시간을 업무 / 비업무용으로 구분하여 통계 제공 .   □ 출퇴근 근태 관리 기능 출근 / 퇴근 / 지각 / 조퇴 / 외출이 자동으로 체크되며 , 주 52 시간 근접시 카카오톡 , 이메일을 통해 알림 제공 .   ※ 상기 기능중 일부만 조합해서도 사용 가능합니다 .   자세한 제품 설명 보기 무료 체험 신 청하기   - 본 메일은 정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호에 대한 법률 및

Scripting News: Monday, February 5, 2024

Monday, February 5, 2024 I was asked about the difference between feedland.com and feedland.org . Which should you create a new account on? # feedland.org runs on a small Digital Ocean server , and Com runs in a data center. The first is a fixed-size relatively small scale server that can't expand, and the latter is designed to scale automatically according to demand. I spent most of 2023 converting the software to run in the scalable environment. # If you're creating something new, definitely create it on feedland.com. If you're already using feedland.org, for now you're welcome to continue, but in the back of your mind think about creating a new account on Com and importing your subscription list. Org is proving useful to have around, so I don't imagine it'll go away, it's much easier for me to work on a DO server than on the big cloud-based server. # You should assume that some day all these systems will disappear. The web is epheme


OneNews 李强向英国48家集团俱乐部"破冰者"2024新春庆祝活动致贺电 Feb 6, 2024 · 1 min read 新华社北京2月6日电 2月5日,国务院总理李强向英国48家集团俱乐部"破冰者"2024新春庆祝活动致贺电。 李强指出,长期以来,英国48家集团俱乐部积极推动中英经贸往来与人文交流,促进了互利共赢,深化了相互理解。英国老一辈友好人士作出的历史性贡献将被永远铭记。实践充分证明,中英加强合作既符合双方的根本利益,也有利于世界的和平繁荣。希望中英各界有识之士传承弘扬破冰精神,继续积极有力行动,为增进两国人民友谊、促进中英友好合作、实现更高水平互利共赢作出新的贡献。 Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode

Weekly Vue News #131 - Passing Slots to Child Components

Weekly Vue News #131 Passing Slots to Child Components View online Hi 👋 I did some open-source work and contributed to the VueEmail project and added line highlighting and line numbers to the code block component. You can the result in the code blocks included in this issue. In other news, I redesigned GitHub Traffic Viewer using Nuxt UI Pro . Finally, some good news: In a few weeks, Vuejs Amsterdam 2024 will take place and I'm looking forward to meeting you there! Have a nice week ☀️ VueEmail: The next generation of writing emails ⭐ A collection of high-quality, unstyled components for creating beautiful emails using Vue and TypeScript. ⭐ I use it for this newsletter and I absolutely love it. 👉🏻 Support the project and star the repository Vue 📕 Controlled Props Pattern 👉🏻 Have you ever had a component where you needed to override its internal state? 👉🏻 Michael's "Controlled Props Pattern" is designed for exactly this situation. 📕 Data Fetching in Vue 3