Scripting News: Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 Love is an act, not a state of mind. # Here's the first version of wordpressIdentity for Node.js. Wordpress can play the same role as Twitter did, for some of my apps that were shut down. Especially thinking of BingeWorthy , which I totally miss. # My BingeWorthy profile page still works. 😄 # And the show pages work too. Hmmm. # To people who are familiar with FeedLand , this all will look pretty familiar. BingeWorthy was major prior art for FeedLand. # The Rolling Stones are one of the best bands to Peloton to. A steady strong beat is essential. My favorite Stones song for workouts is Can't You Hear Me Knocking . It's also a great song to just listen to. I find it's impossible for your body not to rock with the beat. # Rudy Giuliani's mug shot # Congratulations. You lived to see this. # Linkblog items for the day. Hospitals are killing patients because they don't...