Scripting News: Monday, May 20, 2024
Monday, May 20, 2024 Don't miss that Twitter has become a blogging platform . It's sad that it took this long. And we're still missing a bunch of features. # A post I wrote on Twitter # Here's something you may find funny if you study the evolution of software technology. # In the 80s there were all kinds of ideas about how to do hypertext. Mostly they called for two-way links, so you could walk the graph in any direction you like. These were hard to implement and required the two parties work with each other, and that never happened. # In the early 90s along comes Tim Berners-Lee, a random NextStep developer who wanted to play and he for whatever reason didn't wait to figure out how to boil the ocean with two-way links, he just did one-way links and instead of inventing a new protocol he just implemented it on top of TCP/IP. While the purists were debating its purity it took off, broke all records, made a lot of people ver...