Scripting News: Sunday, August 27, 2023
Sunday, August 27, 2023 The docs that I needed to get my wordpress toolkit to work. 💥 # Matt's 100-year web # I've been watching the rollout of Automattic's proposed 100-year websites program. It's the first time I think I've seen my friend Matt personally roll something out like this, and I'm glad he's doing it, esp in this area because it lets us have an open discussion about the kind of web we want for the future. # I wish instead of offering WordPress as a hedge against standards that change, he put his bet down the other way, by creating static renderings of the WordPress sites, and offering his services to people who use other CMSes, and saying these sites will still be here in 100 years, and thereby challenge the browser-makers of 2123 to be able to read those sites as well then as browsers could read them in 1993 and 2023. # I think ultimately it'll be a better business move, because standards that move b...