Scripting News: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 When I started working with Automattic last year, one of the big milestones we were aiming for was getting FeedLand and WordPress working together. Now we have the first step . I hope you take a moment to give it a try and let us know how it works. Scripting News readers have helped bootstrap all kinds of cool stuff, we can do it again. # Jay Gilmore : "ActivityPub breaks my brain. It doesn't need to be that hard given the payloads we are talking about." True. # FeedLand and WordPress # There's a new plugin that adds a blogroll to a WordPress site. # It would be helpful if people who are regular readers of Scripting News who use WordPress, set up a test site, give it a try and let us know how it goes. You can help us get to the next level with this stuff. # So there are two sides, the FeedLand side and the WordPress side. # The FeedLand side . Sign on to FeedLand, create an account if you don...