Scripting News: Monday, December 2, 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024 WordLand is the easy editor that writers using WordPress always deserved. I updated the docs this morning to include very basic getting started stuff, and it now includes a link to a form where you can apply to be a tester. At this time it's limited to people who know how to write a bug report, how to find and read the JavaScript console in a web browser, and take a screen shot that shows clearly what went wrong. This the hardest part of getting a product fit for general use, and I'm too old to try to wrangle workable bug reports from well-intentioned users who basically aren't scientists. This time I'm determined to do this the right way without excess wear and tear on me. 😄 # Linkblog items for the day. Threads takes on Bluesky with more advanced search. Dan Rather interview with David Simon showrunner of The Wire. Billionaires won't "escape" to space while th...