Scripting News: Friday, October 13, 2023
Friday, October 13, 2023 Today's Song: New Amsterdam . # New piece on integrity, excerpted from a 2001 piece . # Example of a FeedLand news product from developer friends at Automattic. # Just listened to an hour of McCartney on Apple Music, and I love his stuff, but the best songs he did were collaborations with the rest of the band. No one of them had the magic, it was all of them. Take a minute and listen to Lady Madonna . Lennon says he didn't like it, but I can hear him in it. It's got the edge that McCartney alone doesn't have. Compare it to Maybe I'm Amazed , the first song that the bot picked. It's like listening to part of one channel of a Beatles song. # Factoring is when you recognize a pattern in your programming that has meaning, so you make it possible to invoke the pattern more simply, making the intent of the code more obvious, reducing opportunities for error, make it possible to build more complex programs. I...