
目前显示的是 三月 19, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 Paul Kedrosky is paying for feeds coming out of Twitter and subscribing to them in Feedly along with his other feeds. This is smart and futuristic. No reason to have two or more social webs, let's get them all working together. # I was looking around the old social web circa 2003 and found the blogroll on my Radio UserLand blog home page . Screen shot to the right. It shows that the art was very much still being practiced then. It looks cared-for. All themes designed by Bryan Bell. I am going to set up a demo of the home page, because I want to look at it as "live" as I can get it, and see if there are ideas there I want to bring forward to 2024. # Developing great products is something like the NBA which they always say is a business, esp when a player you love is traded. Happened recently with a point guard, Immanuel Quickley, traded from Knicks to Raptors. He wasn't the only heart of the Knicks, but he was one of them. He


OneNews 端稳端牢中国饭碗 Mar 19, 2024 · 1 min read 春风渐暖,希望田野迎来新一季的耕耘。 冀南粮仓,麦苗返青。河北省宁晋县雅苒粮棉种植专业合作社农机手高换起驾驶自走式植保机稳稳前行,"用上新农机,一天能作业150多亩。" 洞庭湖畔,水田纵横。湖南省澧县澧南镇彭坪村种植大户辛继林忙着检修旋耕机、插秧机,"今年集中育秧3000亩,早稻打算种1200亩。" ………… 习近平总书记指出:"只有把牢粮食安全主动权,才能把稳强国复兴主动权。""保障粮食和重要农产品稳定安全供给始终是建设农业强国的头等大事。" "粮食产量1.3万亿斤以上",是今年《政府工作报告》提出的发展主要预期目标之一。抓好春耕备耕,对于确保粮食丰产和粮食安全至关重要。各地区各部门压实责任,确保春播面积,细化春季田间管理,保障农资充足供应,推动春耕备耕全面开展,为全年粮食增产和农民增收开好头、起好步。农业农村部最新农情调度显示,目前全国冬小麦苗情长势总体好于上年、好于常年,冬油菜苗情与常年相当,夏季粮油生产基础好。截至3月17日,全国春播粮食完成意向面积的3.0%。 春耕一线有条不紊的生产场景,折射推进农业强国建设的强劲脉动。各地区各部门牢记"国之大者",全方位夯实粮食安全根基,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家提供更加坚实的保障。 既稳面积,又提单产,以国内稳产保供的确定性来应对外部环境的不确定性 习近平总书记指出:"始终立足自身抓好农业生产,以国内稳产保供的确定性来应对外部环境的不确定性"。 供给保障强是农业强国的重要特征之一。随着全球粮食产业链供应链不确定风险增加,粮食需求刚性增长,必须始终绷紧粮食安全这根弦,把饭碗牢牢端在自己手中。 一年之计在于春。春播粮食产量占全年六成左右,春管粮食产量占主要口粮的近四成。行走春耕一线,各地区各部门强管理、稳面积、提单产,全力打好粮食生产第一仗。 ——强化田管稳面积。 "先控旺再除草,正是忙的时候。今年流转了2600多亩地,预计亩产能达到1100斤以上。"河北省邯郸市永年区种粮大户刘军的说。 "我们落实粮食种植面积106.1

"I bought your course a second time" — Reusable Components

I almost never give refunds for my courses. Not because I'm a greedy capitalist who wants to take your money. It's just that people never ask. Last week, though, I had to give a refund to Ivan. He bought Reusable Components a couple years ago, but was so eager to get this massive update that he bought Reusable Components a second time: ​ He didn't realize he already had free access to the update — so I gave him a refund. This story isn't all that unique, though. Here's a picture of me from Vue London last year, chatting with people after my talk for a good 30 minutes. Nearly everyone was asking questions about the talk, or wanting to take a look at the book. Except for one person. He came over specifically to tell me how much he loved Reusable Components, and the unique way that I approach thinking about reusability (the 6 Levels of Reusability). If