Scripting News: Monday, November 6, 2023
Monday, November 6, 2023 Janis, Yogi and David # Several recommendations this morning with a common theme. # The latest 500 songs podcast is about Janis Joplin . Of course I listened to Joplin in the early 70s, and I remember where I was when I heard of her death. I always assumed she was the freak she presented herself as, that her singing came from her soul, but I learned from this episode that wasn't what we were seeing. That's what makes this podcast so interesting, it tells me about myself before I developed my fine-tuned skepticism, as we review the music of my Boomer life. I tended to believe the stories I was told. When I was a kid I loved to read biographies, but as time went by I knew some of the people who had bios written about them, in fact short bios were written about me in magazines. Since then I understand that the story and the actual person often have very little to do with each other. # A similar story, a biography of Yog...