
目前显示的是 一月 28, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sunday, January 28, 2024 Morning ChatGPT Notes # I spent a couple of days putting together a JSON text editor in a modal dialog for a project I'm working on. I'm combining the Ace editor with the Bootstrap toolkit . I've used both components before, but never together. And they're always a bit tricky to get working because I'm impatient and the docs are spread out, and there are different versions. It's all kind of a mess, so you just get it working and move on, never quite sure why it works, and I rarely end up with reusable code. But it's certainly a lot better than starting from scratch, which basically is impossible, given the depth of the two components. After spinning my wheels a bit, I did what I always do in 2024, I turned to ChatGPT, outlined the problem, and asked if it knew of any sample code, which it proceeded to write for me, in about two seconds (not kidding about that). I copied their code and pasted it into my edi


OneNews 掌握信息化条件下舆论主导权、广泛凝聚社会共识 Jan 28, 2024 · 1 min read 习近平总书记深刻指出,舆论导向正确,就能凝聚人心、汇聚力量,推动事业发展;舆论导向错误,就会动摇人心、瓦解斗志,危害党和人民事业。 当今世界信息技术日新月异,数字化、网络化、智能化深入发展。掌握信息化条件下舆论主导权、广泛凝聚社会共识,是巩固壮大主流思想文化的必然要求。 新形势下,我们要深入学习贯彻习近平文化思想,肩负起做好舆论工作、营造良好舆论环境的职责使命,为推动改革发展各项工作、增进全国各族人民团结、维护社会和谐稳定作出新的更大贡献。 "必须坚持巩固壮大主流思想舆论,弘扬主旋律,传播正能量,激发全社会团结奋进的强大力量" 做好党的新闻舆论工作,事关全党全国各族人民凝聚力和向心力,事关党和国家前途命运。 在"两个大局"加速演进并深度互动的时代背景下,面对网络舆论乱象丛生、思想文化相互激荡、价值观念多元多样带来的挑战,如何有效引导舆论,在多元中立主导、在多样中谋共识、在多变中把方向? 习近平总书记深刻指出:"我们正在进行具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争,面临的挑战和困难前所未有,必须坚持巩固壮大主流思想舆论,弘扬主旋律,传播正能量,激发全社会团结奋进的强大力量。" 党的十八大以来,习近平总书记准确把握信息化时代的"时"与"势",对做好新闻舆论工作作出重要指示,为在新形势下巩固全党全国人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础,提供了根本遵循—— 前进方向更明确。"坚持正确政治方向""坚持正确舆论导向""坚持正确新闻志向""坚持正确工作取向",新闻舆论战线以党的旗帜为旗帜、以党的方向为方向、以党的意志为意志,坚持党性和人民性相统一,树立以人民为中心的工作导向,把体现党的主张和反映人民心声统一起来。 使命任务更清晰。牢记"高举旗帜、引领导向,围绕中心、服务大局,团结人民、鼓舞士气,成风化人、凝心聚力,澄清谬误、明辨是非,联接中外、沟通世界"职责使命,新闻舆论战线践行"四力"、开拓奋进,在新征程上书写新荣

Guide: Dummy Payment App using MERN

Manik's Blog Guide: Dummy Payment App using MERN A guide to creating a basic dummy payment app using MERN: MongoDb, express, React and Node, And Tailwind CSS for styling. Jan 28, 2024 · 5 min read Frameworks used: MongoDB Express JS Node JS React JS Library used: Zod Jsonwebtoken Mongoose Features: User can create account. User can log back into their account. User can view account balance. User can search for other users. User can make payment to other users. User can logout of their accounts. Payments App: Try: https://gorgeous-rolypoly-efa90b.netlify.app/ Github Link: https://github.com/maniksharma17/payment-app-basic Database I used MongoDB for database service. I imported mongoose library for an easy MongoDB connection. With mongoose, I defined two schemas and created models with them: userSchema for Users Collection accountSchema for Accounts collection const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ username : { type : String , required