
目前显示的是 二月 22, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday, February 22, 2024 I have the motto for the Biden campaign: Old enough to know better. Uncle Joe, sit down with a reporter you can relate to, and explain what aging is about. How there's good and bad that come with getting on, and Repubs (of course) have been focusing on the bad but the journalists aren't getting the other side. One thing is for sure, it's hard to put one over on someone who's been in politics at the highest level for as long as President Joe has been. That's what the "know better" part is about. Whatever you can say about him, he knows a lot about being president. I've been using this motto as my own tagline for a while. But in the interest of protecting our democracy, I think the president should use it for his re-election campaign. No charge. 😄 # Another Beatles post # Even though they are, for me, the biggest band ever, I've never been able to see the connection to the John Lennon of the


OneNews "对老百姓的事情,时时放心不下"(总书记的人民情怀) Feb 23, 2024 · 1 min read "对老百姓的事情,时时放心不下"。在地方工作期间,习近平同志接受一次采访时曾这样说。 岁月奔涌,丹心如一。2022年10月,在二十届中共中央政治局常委同中外记者见面时,习近平总书记郑重宣示:"想人民之所想,行人民之所嘱,不断把人民对美好生活的向往变为现实。" showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2024/2/23/1cd1212b-ab04-4663-b2bd-894fe15de1c4.xml",width:600,height:371,autoplay:0}); 因为心中常有牵挂,所以"时时放心不下"。这是人民领袖对人民的真挚情怀。 "时时放心不下",是初心坚如磐石,虽经沧桑风雨而始终不变。 头戴矿工帽、身穿矿工服,在近千米深的地下矿井里,同工人们合影——这张照片,生动记录了时任浙江省委书记的习近平同志在浙江长广煤矿调研的情景。 那是2005年春节前夕,在慰问困难职工后,习近平同志坚持下井看望矿工。井洞里,巷道高低不平,身材高大的他,弓背弯腰走了1500多米。 正在采煤的工人听说习近平同志下井来看他们,十分惊讶,纷纷围拢过来。习近平同志说,对煤矿来说,安全生产是第一位的,一定要爱惜每一位矿工的生命,让大家高高兴兴下井、平平安安回家。 "我在地方工作时,逢年过节都得值班,生怕出了什么事。"2015年1月,在十八届中央纪委五次全会上,习近平总书记回忆道。 民之所忧,我必念之;民之所盼,我必行之。 在福州任职期间,习近平同志就把抓"菜篮子"作为一件大事,每天看菜价。小小绿叶菜,盛着民意,连着民心。 "当地叫'三日不见绿,两眼冒金光。'能不能吃上菜就是政治。现在我们有一些在基层的干部,特别是一些年轻干部,忽视了这方面的问题,这是不行的。"2023年全国两会,在参加江苏代表团审议时,习近平总书记谆谆告诫。 衣食住行,柴米油盐。始终关注老百姓的操心事、烦心事、揪心事,成为&quo