
目前显示的是 三月 25, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Monday, March 25, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024 This is a screen shot of my blogroll. I can have posts from Mastodon or Bluesky here. But not Threads. It's really easy. Just support outbound RSS and we can add you to the club. # I was glad to have 3 Body Problem to binge over the weekend. Created by the showrunners for Game of Thrones based on a much-loved series of science fiction novels , which btw I have not read. This was emphatically not Game of Thrones, though some of the actors played roles in both series, and in each case that was awkward. Not the best actors, they didn't get much screentime in GoT, but here, they get the big lines and omg it was embarrassing, they don't pull it off. Creepy. I loved the first four episodes, incredible story, and the special effects, awesome. Then it really started to stink in episodes in 6 and 7, endless stupid dialog with music that made every stupid thing like a climax of a sort. But I was still watching, and then it came back roaring i


OneNews 把干部从繁复考核中解脱出来(干部状态新观察·基层减负进行时) Mar 25, 2024 · 1 min read 编者按:近年来,各地不断改进督查检查考核工作,发挥了激励作用,但也存在名目繁多、频率过高、多头重复等问题。 习近平总书记指出,"要加强信息资源共享,不能简单以留痕多少、上报材料多少来评判工作好坏","要控制各级开展监督检查的总量和频次,同类事项可以合并的要合并进行,减轻基层负担,让基层把更多时间用在抓工作落实上来"。中央层面整治形式主义为基层减负专项工作机制会议强调,着力完善考核办法,推动简单考"材料"、查"痕迹"向重点考成效、看"潜绩"转变,把干部从繁复考核中解脱出来,把更多精力用到抓落实上。 近日,记者赴多地探访,呈现各地改进考核方式方法、强化结果运用的进展情况。 压缩考核流程 精减考核指标 "您好,针对2023年度重点项目推进情况和2024年项目储备情况的考核指标,其中有关旗县区重大建设的指标共有4条,我们需要逐项报送报告吗?"内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市赛罕区发展改革委副主任兰海宇,向呼和浩特市发展改革委投资科科长腾格尔打去电话。 "只需报送一个总体报告就行,赛罕区的情况,我们在日常考核中就已经掌握了。"腾格尔回答。 兰海宇介绍,过去,市里对旗县区推动高质量发展情况进行考核,需要提交每一项指标完成情况的佐证材料。虽然一些材料在日常汇报工作时已经提交过,但是仍需要按照指标体系重新整理一套迎检材料,浪费时间精力。 从去年开始,呼和浩特市推行考核指标集中会审制,通过挑重点、挤"水分"、减条目、看实效,推动考核指标"瘦身"。"如今的考核只需针对宏观指标提供简要说明,然后上传到考核评价信息系统就可以。"兰海宇说。 呼和浩特市相关部门要求,每年对当年度考核指标开展一次集中会审,不得将不能反映实绩实效的一般性、过程性工作作为采分要素,不得简单以留痕多少评判工作好坏,除有明文规定外不得将是否召开会议、印发文件、增加机构人员作为抓落实的评判依据。只有经过会审通过的考核指标方能录入考核评价系统,不得随意增

Weekly Vue News #138 - Validate Props in Script Setup With TypeScript

Weekly Vue News #138 Validate Props in Script Setup With TypeScript View online Hi 👋 While there's not much excitement to report from my end this time around, I do have something special for you! I've snagged a ticket to the Vue.js Live 2024 Online conference, and I'm thrilled to raffle it off to one lucky subscriber. Check out the link below for your chance to join in on the action! Have a nice week ☀️ Sponsored Win a free ticket for Vue.js Live 2024 ✨ I teamed up with the Vue.js Live team to raffle one ticket for the conference. 🗓️ April 25 & 26 | Online 🎙️ 15+ speakers 🧑‍💻 5K+ attendees 👉 Participate here Vue 📕 App structure for big Vue projects 👉🏻 The author describe what he thinks has been the more intuitive easy to work and maintain folder structure in medium to large Vue applications. 📕 How to create private state in stores 👉🏻 Discover the secrets to creating private state in Pinia stores. 👉🏻This article explores the differences between Options &a