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Scripting News: Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 ChatGPT can make tables . # Back in the 1970s when SQL was new, it was touted as an English-like database language. Now with ChatGPT you really can do database queries in actual English and it understands. Amazing. Whether the info is accurate or not (I suspect it is) is beside the point. It's doing something with language that has not been possible before. Check out this query . "Make a table of 15 oscar-winning actors and actresses ranked by number of nominations, also include a column with the names of at most three of the movies they made that won best picture." # Yesterday I posted a full-length excerpt of the Google and HTTP piece on Twitter, and was surprised at the positive response. I had posted links to the full article many times, and mostly got flames from programmer priests, Googly trolls, but this time the message got through. It was RT'd 58 times, and got 24K views. Not bad for something most people would

An Introduction to SQL in Data Engineering

Stephen's blog An Introduction to SQL in Data Engineering Sep 5, 2023 · 10 min read Data Engineering 🌐 Data engineering is a field that deals with turning raw data into useful and valuable information. It involves any activity that manipulates data into a format that can be used or digested by end users or applications to generate real-world value. In today's digital world, data engineering plays an ever-evolving part in building tools and technologies to make human life easier and more convenient to navigate through. SQL 💾 SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is used for requesting data to be returned in a user-specified format from databases. Before SQL🔙 To appreciate what SQL brings to the table, I thought we should delve into a bit of history as to how we used to store and retrieve data before it came into the picture. Before SQL, data was stored & retrieved from: Paper files Flat files Hierarchical databases Network databases 1. Paper fil


OneNews 李强出席中国-印度尼西亚工商界晚餐会并致辞 Sep 5, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社雅加达9月5日电(记者史霄萌 许可)当地时间9月5日晚,国务院总理李强在雅加达出席中国-印度尼西亚工商界晚餐会并致辞。印尼对华合作牵头人、统筹部长卢胡特和约200名两国工商界代表出席。 李强表示,这是我担任中国国务院总理以来首次访问亚洲国家,我将印尼作为访问首站,是为发展而来、为友谊而来、为和平而来、为合作而来。中国和印尼是隔海相望的好邻邦、好兄弟、好伙伴,两国友好关系历久弥新。近年来,在两国元首战略引领下,中印尼关系实现长足发展,为两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。两国互为重要贸易伙伴,投资合作跨越式发展,产业链供应链深度交融,实现相互成就。两国合作超越双边范畴,对区域稳定繁荣具有示范引领意义。 李强指出,越是风云变幻越应该把握大势、把握主流。中国和印尼作为发展中大国,和平发展、合作共赢是我们通向国家振兴、人民幸福的必由之路。各位企业家要坚定合作信心,在深化合作中谋求发展,在顺势而为中赢得未来。 李强强调,中国和印尼高质量合作空间广阔、未来可期。中国愿与印尼一道,拓展绿色能源、数字经济、生物医药、人工智能等领域合作,推动两国合作进一步扩面增效。希望两国企业加强高水平创新合作,助力两国发展。 李强指出,中国将稳步扩大制度型开放,进一步放宽现代服务业等领域市场准入,加大知识产权保护力度,打造市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境。希望印尼继续保持市场开放,为中国企业提供公平公正的营商环境。希望中印尼企业家努力做两国友谊和合作的推动者、传播者、引领者,为两国人民创造更多福祉,为建设中印尼命运共同体作出更大贡献。 卢胡特在致辞中表示,印尼和中国合作有力带动了印尼经济发展,实现互利双赢。印尼愿同中方进一步加强战略合作,深化产业链供应链融合,实现高质量发展,推动两国关系再上新台阶。 吴政隆等出席上述活动。 Read on web Add a comment © 2023 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode