Scripting News: Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 ChatGPT can make tables . # Back in the 1970s when SQL was new, it was touted as an English-like database language. Now with ChatGPT you really can do database queries in actual English and it understands. Amazing. Whether the info is accurate or not (I suspect it is) is beside the point. It's doing something with language that has not been possible before. Check out this query . "Make a table of 15 oscar-winning actors and actresses ranked by number of nominations, also include a column with the names of at most three of the movies they made that won best picture." # Yesterday I posted a full-length excerpt of the Google and HTTP piece on Twitter, and was surprised at the positive response. I had posted links to the full article many times, and mostly got flames from programmer priests, Googly trolls, but this time the message got through. It was RT'd 58 times, and got 24K views. Not bad for something most people would ...