Scripting News: Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Notes on the archive element in the source namespace . It's important that we share our ideas and collaborate, and listen and ask the right people to help. Manton was asking why weren't his ideas on archiving incorporated in other people's work, it's the same concern I have, why didn't we work together on this Manton? Two heads are better than one in things like this. I think Automattic may be the place to get together on this. Esp since they are the market leader now in this area. What they do, right off the bat, has to be supported everywhere, so we want them to do a good job. 😄 # I got the help I needed yesterday , pointing me in the right direction wrt APIs for ChatGPT. I'm ready to try some ideas out once I get to a stopping point on my current project. Can't wait to try out these ideas. # ChatGPT is like having a programming partner you can try ideas out on, or ask for alternative approaches, and they...