Scripting News: Saturday, December 9, 2023
Saturday, December 9, 2023 I've been working all week on the mobile version of FeedLand . It's the best mobile version of anything I've done. I finally figured out how this works, I think. So if you're using FeedLand on a phone, sometime in the next 24-48 hours you may see a significant improvement. I will of course write a blog post about it with screen shots when it does become available. # Braintrust query : Yesterday there was a meeting with people from Meta about their plans to support ActivityPub in Threads. A bunch of people I follow went there saying they'd report on what transpired. I haven't seen one yet. Pointers appreciated. # After listening to Thursday's Countdown podcast I'd like to read a short book about the presidency after the Lincoln assassination, leading to the impeachment and trial of his successor, Andrew Johnson. This is where the 14th Amendment came from. Some days Olbermann really nails it, this was one of...