Scripting News: Sunday, October 6, 2024
Sunday, October 6, 2024 1 day, 3 hours, 4 minutes, 49 seconds until this blog is 30. # WordPress destiny, day 2 # Glad I wrote the piece I wrote yesterday . # I could have written it any time in the last year as I was investigating and developing on the WordPress API and back end, but now seemed to be a good time, with all the attention its getting, and Matt's interviews, I and others are getting a better idea of what the various components of the community are. I don't know about the rest of you, but I had only a vague idea of what WordPress is beyond a piece of software used for commerce and to a lesser extent these days, writing on the web. # A few ideas -- not in any particular order: # From my point of view, blogging and the social web , WordPress is being built around more than being built on, when it is such a potent and surprisingly open platform . I took the time to look, and underneath the cluttered user interface is a s...