Scripting News: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Saturday, October 5, 2024 WordPress has a greater destiny # A few years before WordPress came out, I did a product called Radio UserLand which was a combination blogging tool and feed reader. Two main screens, a streamlined UI. You could get in quickly, write and publish a post in a minute, and see it show up in the reader a moment later. It worked, and it added a major new component to the blogging world, and I think still represents the simplest most focused UI for writing. It was a really popular product. # The same idea, really simple blog post writing and editing, with all the features that should be available to web writers, optional titles, links, simple styling, enclosures, the ability to edit. The things the common social web apps generally don't have. # This imho is a huge opportunity. I wish this is where the focus in the WordPress community was, but I think right now the world is building around WordPress, not on it. It could be g...