
目前显示的是 一月 16, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 I think it's fair to say that the new FeedLand, at feedland.com , and running in Automattic's cloud, is stable, and performing nicely. So if you have an account on feedland.org , the original system, which is still running of course, you could now reasonably move to feedland.com. To do so, just export your OPML subscription list from .org, create a new account on .com, and import the subscription list. It might take a while for all the new feeds to be fully updated, but you'll be rewarded by a higher performance user experience. Thanks to Matt and company for giving us access to this phenomenal resource. I still haven't gotten used to designing with the assumption that my system can scale as far as it seems it can. # I imagine ChatGPT must have an interface that allows me to send it a bit of text via an API, and get back the same response I'd get if I were typing it into their web page. I am a paying user, I don't wan

王小洪在全国打击治理跨境赌博工作电视电话会议上强调 集中力量资源 强化协同配合 全力推进打击治理跨境赌博工作

OneNews 王小洪在全国打击治理跨境赌博工作电视电话会议上强调 集中力量资源 强化协同配合 全力推进打击治理跨境赌博工作 Jan 16, 2024 · 1 min read 新华社北京1月16日电 全国打击治理跨境赌博工作电视电话会议16日召开,中共中央书记处书记、国务委员王小洪出席并讲话。 王小洪强调,要坚决贯彻党中央决策部署,坚持问题导向、效果导向,坚持打防并举、综合施策,坚持盯住不放、常抓不懈,以专项行动为牵引,集中力量资源,强化协同配合,突出依法严厉打击,抓实各项治理措施,全面加强工作支撑,精细组织工作推进,坚决打好打击治理跨境赌博攻坚战、整体战,为党和人民再立新功。 王小洪要求,要准确把握跨境赌博违法犯罪新形势新动向,强化以打开路,着力铲窝点、断链条,形成"追着打、精准打、持续打"的态势。要坚持多管齐下、多策并举,严格落实防范管控措施,做到釜底抽薪、标本兼治。要加强支撑保障,在法律、舆论、国际执法合作等方面精准发力,不断提升打击治理质效。要细化实施方案,明确责任分工,加强协调推动,努力取得更大战果。 Read on web Add a comment © 2024 OneNews 8 The Green, Ste 300, Dover, Delaware, 19901 Unsubscribe Publish with Hashnode