Scripting News: Sunday, October 22, 2023
Sunday, October 22, 2023 I've always meant to ask developers of podcast clients to accept podcasts from feeds that contain normal blog posts. When I do a podcast on I just create another item in my feed , alongside all the others. I don't see any reason people should have to have a special feed for podcasts, when it's so easy for clients to ignore items that don't have enclosures. So I've been trying to hold the door open for that (also I'm lazy). There's a 1-minute podcast attached to this item as a demo. # will always be HTTP # Because Drummer and FeedLand now do their own identity via email, I had to switch them to HTTPS last year. And I've pretty much been converting anything that builds on those apps to HTTPS as well. As a side-effect I had to convert the image URLs in Scripting News, which is served by HTTP, to HTTPS so they wouldn't show up as broken images in FeedLand. They almost ...