
目前显示的是 十月 11, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 Much of the story of The Matrix is the question of whether Neo is The One . Much of the best dialog in the movie is about that. In the world I live in today we're looking for The One for social media, the open platform that can replace the silos. The feeling is there is now a chance to do that, it wasn't there before and it may not be there again. # Why Mastodon isn't The One # Take a break from your busy day and study this picture . It's why Mastodon as a federated system is not going to work. # Here's what happened. # I decided to follow ProPublica. # I clicked on the Follow button. # The picture showed up with a very complicated set of instructions. It requires me to remember an address that I do not remember. # Instead of following, I wrote this blog post, because it was simpler to do this and I'm tired of people ignoring this because I care about us getting this right. #


OneNews 打铁必须自身硬(中国式现代化面对面16) Oct 11, 2023 · 1 min read 世界进入近代以来,政党政治作为社会化大生产和阶级斗争发展到一定阶段的产物,伴随着人类现代化的进程应运而生。现代化催生政党政治,政党政治主导现代化,这已成为几百年来人类政治文明演进的一条大逻辑。作为现代化事业的引领和推动力量,政党的价值理念、领导水平、治理能力、精神风貌、意志品质直接关系国家现代化的前途命运。中国共产党100多年团结带领中国人民追求民族复兴的历史,也是一部不断探索现代化道路的历史。在中华民族走向复兴的漫漫征途中,中国共产党的领导就像"擎天玉柱、架海金梁",是当代中国取得一切发展进步的根本政治前提和保证,决定着中国式现代化的根本方向、前途命运、最终成败。 治国必先治党,党兴才能国强。我们党作为世界上最大的马克思主义执政党,要领导14亿多中国人民实现迄今为止最大规模的现代化,这项世所罕见的艰巨事业对党的领导和党的建设提出了重大考验。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚定不移推进全面从严治党,解决了党内许多突出问题,使党的领导得到全面加强,党的政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会号召力不断增强,党在革命性锻造中更加坚强有力,更加充满活力。以党的二十大为新起点,中国共产党整装再出发,团结带领中国人民踏上新的赶考之路,在以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的新征程上必将迈出更加铿锵的步伐。 保持解决大党独有难题的清醒和坚定 任何一个组织、任何一个团体在发展壮大的过程中,随着成长时间的不断延续、组织规模的逐步扩大,都会不同程度地出现问题,从而影响整个组织和团体的生命活力,如果不采取有效措施加以解决,就会不可避免地陷入"帕金森定律""熵增定律"等困境。遍观人类社会几百年的政党政治,许多大党老党也曾经朝气蓬勃、生机盎然,但经过岁月的侵蚀和世事的消磨,有的早已折戟沉沙,有的则是日薄西山,还有的沉疴难起,令人唏嘘也发人深省。 【相关链接】 帕金森定律 1958年,英国历史学家诺斯古德·帕金森提出帕金森定律,指的是在行政管理中,行政机构会像金字塔一样不断增多,行政人员会不断膨胀,每个人都很忙,但组织效率越来越低下。帕金森定律也被称为组织麻痹病,与墨菲定律、彼

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🔥 (#134) v-once and refreshing pages

Hey all! Clean Components Toolkit will not be launched next week. I've been really sick the last 5 weeks, and unfortunately I haven't been able to work very much at all beyond getting this newsletter out to you. But I'm feeling much better now and recovering! However, for now getting healthy is my focus. I'll definitely keep you up to date with how things are going though! As always, I've got some Vue tips for you. — Michael Vue Tips Collection Maybe you just want to stay on top of the latest features, remind yourself of interesting things Vue can do, and get daily inspiration. Vue Tips Collection is a beautiful book of 115 awesome tips, as well as a daily email to get your creative juices flowing. ​ Check out Vue Tips Collection ​ 🔥 Refresh a Page in Vue If you need to force a reload your entire page using Vue, all you need is some Javascript: