
目前显示的是 四月 10, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 I've been trying to pay my NY State income tax and estimated tax for hours. I finally managed to log in, but that doesn't help. They have all kinds of links that say click here to pay the thing you want to pay, and that just takes me to a login page where it says someone with that email address already has an account, which I knew because I'm already logged in using that account. The IRS site was a comparative breeze, even though it had its own mysteries to solve and a certain amount of luck was required to be allowed to pay my freaking taxes. I think when Reagan said the government was the problem this is one of the times he was right about that. # Me and FSD # Check out my political preamble on Tesla, X and Musk. # One more disclaimer: I love my Tesla Model Y. Best car ever. I've been driving a Tesla since late 2021, and I still feel privileged to drive the car every time I do. It's the Macintosh of cars.


OneNews 中共中央办公厅国务院办公厅关于加强社区工作者队伍建设的意见 Apr 10, 2024 · 1 min read 加强社区工作者队伍建设,事关保障人民安居乐业,事关维护社会安定有序,事关巩固党的长期执政根基,对于加强基层治理体系和治理能力现代化建设具有重要意义。为加强社区工作者队伍建设,经党中央、国务院同意,现提出如下意见。 一、总体要求 加强社区工作者队伍建设,要坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的二十大精神,全面贯彻习近平总书记关于基层治理的重要论述,坚持和加强党的全面领导,坚持为民服务,坚持专业化方向,坚持激励和约束并重,着力健全职业体系、加强能力建设、完善管理制度、强化激励保障,打造一支政治坚定、素质优良、敬业奉献、结构合理、群众满意的社区工作者队伍,为加强和完善社区治理提供坚实人才支撑。 用5年左右时间实现以下主要目标:社区工作者职业体系基本建立,能力建设不断强化,管理制度更加科学,激励保障机制愈加健全,关心关爱社区工作者氛围日益浓厚;社区工作者政治素质、履职能力、工作作风全面加强,队伍结构持续优化,收入待遇合理保障,职业认同感和自豪感切实增强,为民爱民、干事创业的精气神进一步提升。 二、健全职业体系 1.明确人员范围。本意见所称社区工作者,是指在社区从事党建、治理、服务工作的全日制专职工作人员,主要包括社区党组织成员、社区居民委员会成员中的专职人员(以下简称社区"两委"专职成员)和社区专职工作人员。社区"两委"专职成员按照有关规定产生;社区专职工作人员由市地级或县级统一组织招聘,街道(乡镇)集中管理,社区统筹使用。规范相关部门(单位)多头设岗招聘行为,此前招聘的在社区工作的网格员等专职人员,符合条件的可按照公开招聘规定聘用为社区专职工作人员,县级层面统筹原招聘部门(单位)相关人员经费予以保障。 2.严格政治把关。坚持把政治标准放在首位,吸收拥护中国共产党的领导、思想政治素质好、遵纪守法、热心为居民群众服务的人员进入社区工作者队伍。选优配强社区党组织书记,建强社区"两委"班子,做到政治过硬、敢于担当、善于治理、群众信任。建立健全社区党组织书记后备人才库,注重从优秀社区专职工作人员中培养社区"两委"专职成员后

🔥 (#160) Magical components, pseudo-selectors, and the Vite ecosystem

What's up? I'll be giving a talk at Vue.JS Live on April 25th. You can check it out here: https://vuejslive.com/ Other than that, enjoy your tips and the rest of your week! — Michael Vue Tips Collection 2 Maybe you just want to stay on top of the latest features, remind yourself of interesting things Vue can do, and get daily inspiration. Vue Tips Collection is a beautiful book of 118 concise tips, as well as a daily email to get your creative juices flowing. ​ Check out Vue Tips Collection ​ 🔥 Creating Magic with Context-Aware Components Context-aware components are "magical" — they adapt to what's going on around them automatically, handling edge cases, state sharing, and more. There are 3 main types of context-aware components, but configuration is the one I find most interesting. 1. State Sharing When you brea