
目前显示的是 八月, 2023的博文

Scripting News: Thursday, August 31, 2023

Thursday, August 31, 2023 There's an autumn feel in the air today. A bit cooler, and it isn't very humid. Nice breeze. Funny thing is I so totally looked forward to summer, and it's almost over, and I should feel sad, but right now the changing season actually feels good. Just shows that there's nothing logical or predictable about body chemistry . These feelings come from evolution and natural selection. It's time for the season to change, so our body feeds us chemicals that makes us feel like this is a good thing. # If you do everything right, posts from my feed passing through FeedLand look pretty darned good. # Linkblog items for the day. Only 1,280 Breeding Humans Once Roamed Earth, Gene Study Shows. gizmodo.com VanMoof, Trendy E-Bike Brand, Bought Out of Bankruptcy by Scooter Maker. nytimes.com Copyright 1994-2023 Dave Winer. This email was sent on: 9/1/2023, 12:00:01 AM Eastern. "

Data pipelines with Python and SQL - Part 1

Stephen's blog Data pipelines with Python and SQL - Part 1 Sep 1, 2023 · 9 min read Preface🌟 Data engineering's key objective is turning raw data into valuable and usable information. A key component of this process is called a data pipeline. In this article, we dive deep into what a data pipeline is and highlight Python and SQL's roles in building them. What is a data pipeline?🚰 A data pipeline is an object that facilitates the flow of data from one location to another through multiple stages. They imitate the behaviour of the pipelines that are built into homes for moving water from one place to different areas in the home. Non-valuable data is: raw = directly from source undesirable = unwanted, useless, not fit-for-purpose low-quality = unstructured, corrupted, dirty, incomplete, unusable Remember the purpose of data engineering is to convert non-valuable data (raw, undesirable or unusable data) into a structured, desirable and useable state (i.e.


OneNews 第十一次全国归侨侨眷代表大会在京开幕 习近平李强赵乐际王沪宁蔡奇丁薛祥韩正到会祝贺 李希代表党中央致词 Aug 31, 2023 · 1 min read showPlayer({id:"/pvservice/xml/2023/8/31/6624e297-94eb-4882-a1ad-802537dfc473.xml",width:640,height:360,autoplay:false}); 新华社北京8月31日电 第十一次全国归侨侨眷代表大会31日上午在北京人民大会堂开幕。习近平、李强、赵乐际、王沪宁、蔡奇、丁薛祥、韩正等党和国家领导人到会祝贺,李希代表党中央致词。 人民大会堂大礼堂气氛庄重而热烈。主席台上方悬挂着"第十一次全国归侨侨眷代表大会"的会标,后幕正中是象征着五大洲侨胞心向祖国的中国侨联会徽,10面红旗分列两侧。二楼眺台悬挂着"以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的二十大精神,团结凝聚广大归侨侨眷和海外侨胞为全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面推进中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗!"巨型横幅。来自全国各地的近1200名归侨侨眷代表和来自100多个国家的近600名海外侨胞特邀嘉宾欢聚一堂。 上午10时,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平等步入会场,全场响起热烈的掌声。 大会在雄壮的中华人民共和国国歌声中开幕。 李希代表党中央发表了题为《为强国建设民族复兴凝聚起侨界团结奋斗的磅礴力量》的致词,向大会的召开表示热烈的祝贺,向广大归侨侨眷和海外侨胞、侨联工作者致以诚挚的问候。 李希在致词中说,在党中央坚强领导下,第十次全国归侨侨眷代表大会以来,中国侨联和各级侨联组织以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于侨务工作和群团工作的重要论述,坚持围绕中心、服务大局、服务侨胞,全面履行职能,侨联的政治性、先进性、群众性不断增强,组织力、影响力不断提升。广大归侨侨眷和海外侨胞始终与祖国共奋进、与人民齐奋斗,在经济发展、脱贫攻坚、抗疫斗争、对外开放、保持港澳长期繁荣稳定和推进祖国统一等方面发挥独特优势,作出积极贡献。 李希表示,全面建成社会主义现代化强国、实现第二个百年奋斗目标,以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴,是

Scripting News: Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesday, August 30, 2023 Today's song: Old Folks Boogie . "You know you're over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill." # I was once told by a famous and stupid NYT columnist that people my age have trouble learning about new tech, saying that I specifically had not aged well tech-wise. It was just an insult from a very stupid person, but it did hurt. Anyway, now that I'm much older I'd add aging means learning about all kinds of things, like sore and weak backs, knees, hips, memory, hair, lower metabolism, and all kinds of other things. My father as his health declined kept saying old age ain't for sissies, and I could see it in his body and his suffering, and now begin to feel it in my own. My advice -- ignore idiotic young folk, they'll find out soon enough, you don't need to explain it to them. # I asked ChatGPT for a pep talk, and it provided a very nice one. Well worth the $20 I paid for A


OneNews 为强国建设、民族复兴贡献侨界力量——中国侨联五年工作回眸 Aug 30, 2023 · 1 min read 新华社北京8月30日电 题:为强国建设、民族复兴贡献侨界力量——中国侨联五年工作回眸 新华社记者范思翔 切切于心中华情,孜孜以求中国梦。第十一次全国归侨侨眷代表大会将于8月31日在北京开幕,广大归侨侨眷和海外侨胞迎来属于自己的盛会。 回眸过去五年,中国侨联坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,围绕中心、服务大局、服务侨胞,全面履行各项职能,深入开展品牌活动,持续深化侨联改革,坚持为侨服务宗旨,以全面加强党的领导和党的建设为政治保证,推动新时代侨联事业不断迈上新台阶。 加强思想政治引领,进一步筑牢思想根基 迎亚运歌曲《为爱发声》点燃开场热情,一曲《我和我的祖国》激发侨胞的炽热情感……今年2月,"亲情中华·之江同心"侨联文艺"轻骑兵"进侨乡演出走进浙江多个侨乡,将文艺"大餐"送到侨胞家门口,精彩的演出让观众们流连忘返。 作为中国侨联品牌活动之一,此次"亲情中华"进侨乡是侨联组织以文化演出为载体,宣传党的二十大精神、团结侨界群众的生动实践。 五年来,中国侨联不断保持和增强政治性、先进性、群众性,加强对侨界群众思想政治引领—— 创办"追梦中华"品牌,以"侨这七十年""侨与脱贫攻坚"等为主题,举办主题活动、专题展览等,增强侨界群众对习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的政治认同、思想认同、理论认同、情感认同; 推出《华侨华人与共和国》《百年赤子心》等纪录片,生动展现在党的领导下,侨界为党和人民事业作出的重要贡献; 连续举办华侨华人短视频大赛,"一起过个冬奥年"网络话题活动点击量达29亿人次…… 一场场活动,一个个品牌,成为中国侨联广泛开展侨界思想政治引领的重要抓手,既突出侨味特色,又彰显爱党爱国的赤子之心,不断筑牢思想根基。 发挥侨胞独特优势,服务党和国家大局 在"冬奥小城"河北崇礼城区,一座起伏的山形建筑物格外引人注目——这是由中国侨联向全球华侨华人发出倡议捐建的华侨冰雪博物馆,见证着广大侨胞心系桑梓、爱国爱乡的深厚情怀。 国有大事,

“7 Best Tools for Vue.js Micro Frontends” + 6 more note-worthy Vue.js resources
