Scripting News: Saturday, August 19, 2023

I like "Hurricane Hilary." It probably won't be so much fun after it starts killing people, but in the meantime every time I hear it I think "Good for her." If only it were aimed at red states. #
Whether or not you believe Chris Christie can win, or think he'd be a good president, he's saying things anyone running against Trump should say. Good to have someone in there showing what losers the other Repubs are.#
I had a broken link for yesterday's podcast. This link should work. Still figuring this stuff out. #
Two summers ago I was playing with tagging in Scripting News. #
Briefly, if I enclose a bit of text in double-square-brackets it's processed by Old School as a tag. It makes a call to the tag server software, which simply adds the reference to a database. #
When you click on a tag reference in my post, a dialog pops up with the references to the tag in reverse chronologic order, and it stacks them, so you can click on tags within tags. It's a deceptively complex bit of software, built into the web page you're reading my blog on. #
This is a core feature of the Tools For Thought category. #
I stopped tagging at some poin. It's a nice thing to do, but it's for the future, and I'm busy now, and I find I'm not using it that much, still preferring to find the equivalent of tags in Google, because that requires no pre-thought and thus is likely to be more complete. And since I just started tagging two years ago, there, 26 years of my writing that never will be tagged. So I use Google every time. #
But the technology still seems potentially valuable, for writing that's more of a product, like reference manuals, or specs or standards work, designs, stuff where the dollar value of the writing is clear. And potentially you can hire people to do the tagging, or more likely give the job to an AI.#
Anyway, you may see me tagging here in the coming days, this is why. #
Still diggin! (as they say)#
Posted on Facebook in 2014, when the EFF was fighting a patent troll who claimed to have invented podcasting. #
    You couldn't have had podcasting without a lot of things coming together. #
      Networks of writers who shared links. Blogging.#
      A protocol for moving links around a network. HTTP.#
      Something to attach links and recordings to. RSS.#
      A standard format for recording. MP3.#
      Inexpensive, easy to use playback devices, that could hook up to all this. iPod.#
    You might argue that we still haven't gotten all the pieces needed for it to really work. But one thing is for sure, none of the pieces existed when the famous patent troll claims to have invented podcasting. #
    Maybe we should reach not for a victory but for understanding. The patent system is making decisions about technological processes it doesn't understand. No wonder it gets it so wrong.#
Dear friends, if I were shopping for a new house, I'd look at the roof first. I do not want an interesting roof. It must be boring and for that it should be peaked in the middle, and that's it. #
House with a boring roof.#
I've bought three houses in my life and all have had "creative" roofs because I guess I find them interesting or I don't bother to look, or consider that roofs that are flat in places or have skylights, or worse have skylights in flat places, are going to have problems. Gutters get clogged and the water backs up and forms ponds. And if the ponding is hidden from view, you could think you don't have a problem with your roof when water is leaking into the wood that support the roof, and then you are in trouble. Let me say that again. You. Are. In. Trouble. One day a leak shows up in the ceiling and when you trace it back to the source you find a pond. And you realize it was right there all the time and you never saw it. And then you see a picture like this..#
You do not want this.#
Please. Boring roofs only. #
And if you're building a house, same message. #

Linkblog items for the day.

Future EVs Coming 2023-2028.
Why your blog still needs RSS.
Wes 'Scoop' Nisker, Bay Area radio pioneer and Buddhist teacher, dies at 80.
Doc Searls: We Need Deep News.
"He never listens to his lawyers. But he listened this time, didn't he? Why? Because he's scared. He is scared he's just a couple of steps away from that jail cell closing behind him."
We Don't Need a New Twitter.
Boring roofs are best.
Planning a Wedding Amid Climate Change
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This email was sent on: 8/20/2023, 12:00:01 AM Eastern.
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Scripting News: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024