Scripting News: Friday, October 6, 2023

A new FeedLand feature, the Cats menu. It's like half the product was missing. For example, here's a list of all my podcast feeds. There was no way to do this before.#
Journalism could do some good by focusing on the proposal the House Dems are making to possibly persuadable Repubs. Treat it seriously. Ask Repubs what they think. I think there's still some amount of honor, if not in the representatives, in the people. With press air cover, people could call their reps, write op-eds and blog posts, picket, collect signatures. Protest. It's a good thing to discuss. When and if the political depression in America lifts, this is what what it will look like. #

There's a confusing story going around that Twitter was limiting this feature, or even ignoring it. It wasn't clear from the story exactly what they were doing, so let's find out. #
I've added an image and description to this post. Did they come through when I pointed to it on Twitter? #
Where are you reading the post? A mobile device, desktop, some other place? #
Ignore this if you got it via email, this feature doesn't apply there.#
Screen shot: When I read the post in Chrome on my desktop Mac, the title and description were not shown, the image was shown, and the name of the site was shown. #
Linkblog items for the day.
Amazon wants to charge a subscription fee for Alexa eventually.
Hakeem Jeffries: House Republicans must embrace bipartisanship.
Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet.
Chuck Grimmett has a FeedLand news product for his hometown of Peekskill, NY.