Scripting News: Sunday, October 8, 2023
JavaScript is the worst language for recursive data structures. #

Interesting perspective shift. I saw there's a new book by Mark Pesce about AI systems, and it gets pretty technical. I was surprised because I thought he was a pundit (which he is) but unlike most tech pundits, he also knows how to program. More than that. I remember the first time I had a real talk with a famous tech pundit in the 80s and was shocked that he knew nothing about the ones and zeros. Didn't these people at least take Intro to Computer Science in college? Shouldn't that be a basic prerequesite for selling one's opinions about tech? Now many years later I'm surprised to see one that does. #
Linkblog items for the day.
'Naked Attraction' not so shockingly becomes Max's most popular series
Divisions Over Abortion Roil 2024 GOP Field
Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War.
Attorney General Merrick Garland: The 60 Minutes Interview.
Three Perfect Breakfast Sandwiches. (This was my one New Yorker article for the month, and worth it.)
2005: People come back to places that send them away.
It's an honor to be quoted by Philip Bump in his Washington Post column, but -- the exact quote is -- "People come back to places that send them away." The sentiment is right. MuskCo is breaking that rule bigtime.
'Eve' author Cat Bohannon says medicine often ignores female bodies.
Two-way RSS is a big idea that's got to happen if we want a silo-free web
Chuck Grimmett: Setting up PagePark on a DigitalOcean Droplet.