Scripting News: Thursday, October 5, 2023

Name one person, living or dead, you wish read your blog.#
Amazon Music and Peloton go so well together. I'm surprised one of the music companies doesn't buy Peloton which I hear is struggling. I'm always looking for music with a strong steady beat. For the beginning of the workout I go with songs that are steady but relatively slow, to warm up to -- like Eric Clapton's Cocaine. It's perfect. But as I rev up I go for music with a faster strong steady beat. For that nothing like Elvis Costello. For example Pump It Up, which is sooo perfect for Peloton. Oh my god. I'm listening to it now, and I'm moving, even though I just started work for the day. Really gets you going. If you don't believe me try playing it now. "Down in the pleasure center, hell-bent or heaven sent. Listen to the propaganda, listen to the latest slander. There's nothing underhand that she wouldn't understand." Oh mama mia.#
BTW, if you want to break up Google, start by making Chrome an independent company that is not allowed to work with Google. They are controlling the the open internet, the same way they controlled RSS, turning our open network into a corporate asset. It'll have the same disastrous end. #
I have to buy a certain number of domains every month, rain or shine.#

Linkblog items for the day.

Let's turn our cities into nature gardens!
Biden Watches House Republicans' Dysfunction From a Distance.
What They Don't Tell You About Getting Old.
Target says it's closing 9 stores due to theft. The crime data tells a different story.
I asked ChatGPT if it's a coincidence that the MacArthur genius grants and the Nobel prizes were announced the same week this year.
Guardrails, gaslighting and surfacing forbidden knowledge in Large Language Models
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