Scripting News: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the good people of Automattic for saving the archive of the blogs we started at Harvard in 2003. #
In the last few months the net effect of ChatGPT has been an order-of-magnitude improvement to searching the web. This time the innovating could not have been done by a duo like Jobs and Woz working in a garage, or a lone programmer like TBL. It required a multi-billion dollar investment, and what amounts to decades of R&D, before any benefit was available. This is an event we will have a much greater appreciation for on the other side, from this side all we can see is how much better it is than what we had before. I've been to this place before. It's the best time to be in tech.#
Just read the Wikipedia page on I didn't "decide" to shut down the site in 2004. The management of UserLand at the time transfered the domain to one of my two servers at a local Boston-area hosting service, without telling me they were doing it. It knocked the server off the air. That was what caused the outage. It took a few days to get it back online. The secret -- we converted the site to PHP and it ran much better. No one decided anything. #

I've realized that "open web" is redundant. #
Same with "indie web".#
The web is open. Its users are independent.#
And the web is too precious to be taken over by self-preserving tech companies.#
Linkblog items for the day.
2007: We already had mail lists before we had blogs. The whole notion that blogs should evolve to become mail lists seems to waste the blogs
McCarthy just wanted the badge.
John Palfrey, executive director of Berkman when I was there, writes about the inception of blogging at Harvard in 2003. John opened all the doors for the work we were doing.
Merchant: How AI doomsday hype helps sell ChatGPT.
Stevie Nicks Unveils a Barbie Made in Her Image at Madison Square Garden.
wpIdentity is a package that implements OAuth identity and a simple verb set with WordPress for Node.js apps.
Preserving Harvard's Blogging History.