Scripting News: Friday, November 3, 2023

You can now sign on FeedLand with a WordPress account. #
I don't believe a product like FeedLand should do its own identity. #
Identity is one of those things you totally want centralized, because that's the benefit of identity -- you can be the same person in a lot of different places. And if we work that out well, the apps that you connect with that way can work with each other in interesting ways to provide new integrations. #
I've always been preaching this, let developers and users do the integration, let software developers create basic capability that we can wire together any way we like. That was what we were doing on the Mac platform in the 1988-92. And also what we've been doing on the web since 1994 . It's an idea as old as Unix pipes. But it requires cooperation among developers, which we have seen sometimes happens. 😄#
Using WordPress for identity is a step in that direction. The hope is it could form a backbone for an internet of applications. I'm willing to step up and say okay let's give this a try and see what happens. #
I have been trying to visualize FeedLand to work toward a great logo for it, and had the idea of playing with ChatGPT and DALL-E to see what would come of that. #
I painted a verbal picture of a yacht in a port on the Adriatic, the water is choppy but the yacht is doing well. On the main sail would be the words FEED and LAND. #
This is what it came up with and it's better than anything I imagined. Really. The art is all over this. #
FeedLand as a yacht.#

Linkblog items for the day.

How John Fetterman is charting his own course in the Senate.
The Future of RSS is Textcasting.
George Santos finds unlikely protectors in House Democrats.
As Israel's ground war unfolds, satellites and social media show its strategy.
How Microsoft's AI is making a mess of the news.
Copyright 1994-2023 Dave Winer.
This email was sent on: 11/4/2023, 12:00:01 AM Eastern.
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
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