Weekly Vue News #120 - Nuxt Server Routes Playground

Weekly Vue News #120

Nuxt Server Routes Playground

Hi 👋

You might guess it but I'm still busy working on the editor update for CodeSnap 🙈. Nearly feature complete so I'm quite confident to release it before the end of the year.

Have a lovely week ☀️

To support me:

📕 Make Vue's template refs clean & simple
👉🏻 "With just a few lines of code, my problem with Vue's template refs became zero. Less IDE warnings, fewer unknown mistakes, and more safe type checking."
📕 Deploying a Vue Application with Netlify and GitHub
👉🏻 This tutorial will teach a simple method for deploying Vue applications using Netlify and GitHub.
🛠️ Ark UI
👉🏻 A headless library for building reusable, scalable design systems.
👉🏻 Over 30+ components (ColorPicker, DatePicker, and more...)
👉🏻 Works in React, Solid, and Vue
👉🏻 Bring your own styling solution

📕 What is the NuxtIsland component?
👉🏻 "It's a special built-in component that lets you render the component fully on the server which means zero client-side JavaScript served to the browser."
📕 Dynamically enable SSR or SPA mode in a Nuxt 3 app
👉🏻 This article covers three different ways to selectively switch SSR on or off for your site.
📹 Getting Started With Nuxt UI
👉🏻 Learn all the basics about Nuxt UI, a UI library for modern web applications.
👉🏻 Pro version is also available: https://ui.nuxt.com/pro?aff=z1NAy
📹 window.useNuxtApp - Blessing or Security Issue?
👉🏻 Debugging Nuxt sites can be tricky, especially when not in dev mode.
👉🏻 window.useNuxtApp should help with making that easier.

📅 Events
Vuejs Amsterdam 2024
👉🏻 28 - 29 February 2024, Amsterdam

💬 Quote of the week

🔥 Nuxt Tip: Server Routes Playground

The Nuxt DevTools provide a playground to send and test your endpoints.

It's like a built-in Postman for your Nuxt server routes which is pretty cool!

😂 Fun

🧑🏻‍💻 In Other News
📕 Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Tailwind CSS
👉🏻 A developer attempted to rebuild Tailwind CSS with performance in mind in an effort to improve the performance of Tailwind CSS projects.
📕 Build a Lightweight Code Generator with TypeScript and JSON Imports
👉🏻 "On a recent software development project, my team put together a lightweight code generator with reusable techniques that I want to share."
🛠️ hotkey
👉🏻 Set a data-hotkey attribute on your elements to quickly add keyboard shortcuts.
📹 Learn Web Development with This Free 20-Hour Course
👉🏻 This in-depth course will teach you Web Development for beginners.
👉🏻 You'll learn key tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
📹 Your website does not need JavaScript
👉🏻 An hour-long talk in which Amy builds an entirely static website
👉🏻 She uses a collection of HTML and CSS files with no tracking, scripting, servers, or third-party resources.

Comments? Join the discussion about this issue here.

Until next week,

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