
目前显示的是 一月, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 After my experience creating an Ace editor instance in a Bootstrap modal dialog, which I narrated in a blog post and in the transcript with ChatGPT, I had a flash that maybe I could figure out how to use ChatGPT to port Frontier to Linux. The code still runs on reasonably current Macs, but not the latest. I really should be working on Linux not Mac. If it weren't for my dependence on Frontier, I would be. I actually think ChatGPT might be a great programming partner for a meaty operating-system-like project like this. # I just started a FeedLand category for AI. Only one feed in there so far. I just want be sure I'm reading all the interesting stuff as it comes out. # Looking for bloggers, developers, reporters, columnists, who focus on new applications of AI. Please post a link here . If you have the URL for a feed, that would be best. Thanks! # As I was writing the post about using ChatGPT to port Frontier, which is a C pro


OneNews 中共中央政治局召开会议 Jan 31, 2024 · 1 min read ■2024年是新中国成立75周年,是实现"十四五"规划目标任务的关键一年,全国人大常委会、国务院、全国政协、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院党组要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持党中央集中统一领导这个最高政治原则,紧紧围绕推进中国式现代化这个最大的政治,持续抓好党的二十大战略部署的贯彻落实。要抓好高质量发展这个首要任务,深化改革开放,确保中央经济工作会议确定的重点任务落地落实,推动经济实现质的有效提升和量的合理增长。要树牢造福人民的政绩观,增进民生福祉,维护社会公平正义。要统筹高质量发展和高水平安全,坚持底线思维,增强斗争意识,提高斗争本领。要认真履行全面从严治党主体责任,带头贯彻执行中央八项规定及其实施细则精神,以身作则、率先垂范,把党的自我革命抓具体、抓深入。中央书记处要强化政治担当,扎实履职尽责,加强自身建设,继续高质量完成好党中央交办的各项任务 ■学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育启动以来,全党紧扣"学思想、强党性、重实践、建新功"总要求,聚焦主题主线,明确目标任务,突出以学铸魂、以学增智、以学正风、以学促干,与做好开局之年工作紧密结合,着力解决制约高质量发展问题、群众急难愁盼问题、党的建设突出问题,达到预期目的,取得明显成效 ■要持续加强理论武装,教育引导党员干部通过坚持学习党的创新理论,悟规律、明方向、学方法、增智慧,固本培元、凝心铸魂;要持续推动解决问题,继续抓好整改整治、建章立制,让人民群众切实感受到解决问题的实际成效;要持续改进作风,落实"四下基层",走好新时代群众路线,纠治形式主义、官僚主义,切实抓好整治形式主义为基层减负工作;要持续夯实基层基础,推进以党建引领基层治理,充分发挥基层党组织战斗堡垒作用和党员先锋模范作用;要持续抓好落实,重实干、做实功、求实效,更好将主题教育成果转化为推动高质量发展的成效。各级党委(党组)要把巩固拓展主题教育成果作为重大政治任务,扛起主体责任,不折不扣抓好落实 ■党的十八大以来,我们党先后3次修订《中国共产党巡视工作条例》,不断推动巡视工作深化发展,完善党的自我革命制度规范体系。要坚持政治巡视定位,把&qu

🔥 (#150) Watching props, useRequestHeader, optimizing for humans

Hey all! This week I've been working on adding multi-product support to my platform. Here's a video of the simple drop down I made — I love working with UI elements like this! ​ I'm doing this because my next big project is to update Reusable Components . I plan to re-launch it around March-ish, and everyone who already owns it will get this update. The scope of this update isn't totally nailed down yet, but I'm trying to keep this smaller so I can actually get it out to you in March! I also just published an article on generating SSR Safe Dynamic IDs . Enjoy your tips! — Michael Vue Tips Collection 2 Maybe you just want to stay on top of the latest features, remind yourself of interesting things Vue can do, and get daily inspiration. Vue Tips Collection is a beautiful book of 118 concise tips, as well as a daily email to get your crea