Scripting News: Sunday, March 24, 2024

I still love reading my own stuff in the blogroll. Learning how to make stuff look good in a tiny little format like that. I don't mind having a small space to deploy in, but I like to have lots of room where I write. Linkblogs and blogrolls go together really well. Blogrolls work best for smaller groups of people and projects, not the huge number of followers people have on the twitter-like social web. But I think even a few hundred items in a blogroll work, as long as it's dynamic, and it's reverse chronologic. #
Never thought I'd be so glad to see the xml-rpc site back up and running. I found out about it being off by someone sending an email asking if they could buy the domain from me. Otherwise I'm not sure I would have noticed. The whole idea is to put these static sites in a safe place and forget about it. But clearly there are no safe places and someday you might get dragged back to try to debug some work you did a bunch of years ago. #
Braintrust query: I have not been able to reliably get to a bunch of my sites that use HTTP this morning. For example,, a site that I use to test feeds. Also It's possible that something broke overnight in my server. Or Digital Ocean is having a problem? Doesn't seem like it's something Google is doing to punish me for using HTTP, though that is always the first thing that comes to mind. I tried moving the XML-RPC site to a different server, but the problem follows it. No changes have been made to the site in years. Not exactly what I had planned to be digging into on a nice (but cold) Sunday morning in the mountains. I started a thread, if you have any insights. At least is still working, but it's not served through my software or Digital Ocean. #
So I went ahead and moved to a HTTPS server. The other day I forgot to mention that style sheets might not be readable when you move from HTTP to HTTPS, leading to this striking breakage I saw when I first got to look at the site in its new location. And now thanks to Google and the EFF, I get to spend time debugging something that worked just fine in 1998 and every year since then. Should I send them the bill for my time? Fuckers. #

Linkblog items for the day.

Led by NBC, U.S. corporate media is learning to live with Trump.
Here is the MetaWeblog API, the common glue that connected editors to blogging systems in the 00s. It was supported by most of the popular systems (not sure if Blogger did).
I had to do a little work on the XML-RPC site and stumbled across this page of links into the 1998 version of the site. The text is all the same, but the style is very 1998. 😍
Steve Wozniak: We're saying 'Oh, you might be tracked by the Chinese'. Well, they learned it from us.
Copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.
This email was sent on: 3/25/2024, 12:00:01 AM Eastern.
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
This blog has been running for: 29 years, 5 months, 18 days, 9 hours, 0 minutes, 1 second.
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Scripting News: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024