I had a good time at Vue.js Amsterdam! I happened to be sitting next to a newsletter subscriber, greetings go out to Julian!
We're close to 3000 subscribers of this newsletter which is a big milestone for me. It would help me a lot if you would recommend the newsletter to your colleagues and friends. 🙏🏻
🔥 Nuxt Tip: How Nuxt Uses Nitro, h3 and ofetch Internally
If you are using Nuxt 3 you might stumble upon one of the following tools: NitroNitro, h3h3 or ofetchofetch. I often see that people are confused by these tools, so let me clarify their responsibility and how Nuxt uses them internally.
All of the following packages are published in the UnJS ecosystem which consists of 56+ packages.
Nuxt provides access to ofetchofetch via the $fetch$fetch API. Its described as "A better fetch API. Works on node, browser, and workers".
It can smartly parse JSON responses (with access to raw response if needed) and request body and params are automatically handled, with correct Content-TypeContent-Type headers.
h3h3 is an H(TTP) server framework built for high performance and portability running in any JavaScript runtime.
Its event handlers automatically convert responses. For example, if you return a JSON object it will be stringified and sent with the default application/json Content-Type header. If an event handler returns a Promise, h3 will wait for it before it sends the response. Additionally, it provides a set of useful helper functions for body parsing, cookie handling, redirects, headers and more.
NitroNitro uses h3h3 internally and is a server toolkit to create web servers with everything you need and deploy them wherever you prefer.
It provides cross-platform support for Node.js, Browsers, service-workers and more. Additionally, it supports API routes and middleware and a development server with hot module reloading
How's it going? I was planning to release the update for Reusable Components yesterday, but things haven't gone as planned. Instead, I will be launching it next week. I need a just a bit more time to make sure that the quality is up to my standards. As I've been updating the course and re-writing all the content and step-by-step refactorings, I've also been able to simplify a few things. It's just like refactoring a piece of code, and it's one of the greatest feelings. I also looked at how much content is in there, and it looks like it will be similar to the Clean Components Toolkit. Lots of great content on how to write highly reusable components, simplified and updated — I can't wait to release the update next week! Oh, and one more thing: I'm doing a podcast with Alex Lichter ! It's called Deja Vue and we'll be releasing the first ...
Monday, November 20, 2023 I'd pay $10K up front # Matt Mullenweg : "Sales of the 100-year plan so far: 0. Hundreds of people filled out the form, though. I think we really messed something up in the follow-up, including not making it self-serve to start. Will review and try again. It's an important promise to us." # I'm very much a customer for this service. It would be worth $10K for to buy 100 years of persistence for my web writing. A simple easy to understand service that helps get the process started. # I transfer scripting.com to Automattic as registrar. # I upload the contents from S3 to Automattic server. Static files, HTML, feeds, images, code. # Automattic provides an API to keep the files updated and so I can add to them as long as I'm still writing. # The files are publicly accessible over HTTP. # Automattic agrees to renew the domain for 100 years, and manage access to the files, with reasona...