
目前显示的是 四月, 2024的博文

Scripting News: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 It's different after its gone # Note: This post is the summary of a podcast . # When my mother died in 2018, it didn't settle in that the context in which I lived, my whole life, was gone. # She lived in the house I was raised in. Very little had changed in that house. I hadn't lived there since I went away to college, but it still defined who I was, an adult who didn't live in his childhood home. When we sold the house, the last time I saw it, it was empty, and that was when it hit me. That part of my life is over. I no longer have a home I can return to. # The same is true with our understanding of who we are as adult American citizens. Until now we felt we had a vote. But that is over, unless we change our view of the country we live in. It's not that it's about to change, which is what you hear in the news, and on social web -- it has already changed. # We now understand that Trump may be abo

Scripting News: Monday, April 29, 2024

Monday, April 29, 2024 The Knicks keep winning my heart. They play the game exactly as it should be played. And they don't take the bait to make it about anything other than what happens on the court, and to trust in the league to take care of players who don't play by the rules. And of course the Philadelphia arena was full of Knicks fans. The tickets cost a lot less than NYC tickets, and it's only 2 hours away by car, and there's good train service. If the series goes back to Philadelphia, the same thing will happen. I feel sorry for fans of small town teams, because no matter where you go in the US, there are always lots of Knicks fans. Largest city in the country. # I keep harping on Kevin Durant, but the thing he didn't understand about New York is that we're a one-team town when it comes to basketball. We'll go to a Nets game if there's nothing else to do, but the Knicks are the story of New York in re basketball. # If you'

Weekly Vue News #143 - Once Watchers

Weekly Vue News #143 Once Watchers View online Hi 👋 I enjoyed last week's Vue.js Live Online Conference and watched many interesting and inspiring talks. I don't have any personal news to share, so let's jump into the Vue & Nuxt Content that I prepared for you. Have a nice week ☀️ Vue 📕 Things that I like better in Vue than in React 👉🏻 Jaydev discovered that Vue has a bunch of neat features that makes him jealous as React developer. 📕 3 Ways to Create Inline Composables 👉🏻 Michael Thiessen explains how inline composables in Vue can help to organize components by creating boundaries within our logic. 👉🏻 This is especially helpful in larger components that are tough to refactor. 📕 Creating a Reusable Modal Component 👉🏻 Fotis implements a Base Modal component in Vue. 📕 The Magic in Shiki Magic Move 👉🏻 Anthony Fu writes about he developed Magic Move, an open-source tool for code block transitions in presentations. 🛠️ Vue Data UI 👉🏻 A user-empowering data

Scripting News: Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday, April 28, 2024 Demo : I'm working on a web text editor that works in three different formats -- wizzy, markdown and html source. You can flip between them with an icon click. I love flip-switches in software. # Today's blogrolls are more like feed readers than the blogrolls of the 90s. My blogroll has all the best sources, and they update slowly enough that I can keep up with all of them. # These days I'm using the moderation tools on the social web more than I did in the past. If someone I don't know posts a negative comment on Facebook, in response to something I posted, I just delete it, because they have that feature (other systems don't, they should). Any lurker who happens by is free to enjoy what I write. But if I don't know you, I honestly don't care what you think, esp if it's negative and has less than ten syllables total. It's hit and run spam for sure. I'm widening my definition of spam all the time. If you

Scripting News: Saturday, April 27, 2024

Saturday, April 27, 2024 I asked ChatGPT: "Could I paste in the source code of a JS package i wrote and 1. ask you to remember it and 2. ask you questions about it later?" Short version of answer -- no. # A use-case for ChatGPT. You get a hard-to-understand error message from MySQL, so you send the code to ChatGPT and it gives you a perfect error message, and gives you the corrected code. It also can generate SQL from an actual English language description. Quite a loop-close, since SQL was sold as programming in English, just like COBOL or AppleScript, except in ChatGPT you really are using English. It's precise English, but not "marketing" English (ie non-technical managers can be fooled by what they see). An intelligent non-programmer could actually write code, not sure of that of course since I am a programmer myself. # I love that I can ask ChatGPT how to spell the word exposé in a literate way . Google is difficult about it. It tried t

Scripting News: Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024 Braintrust query : I'm interested in getting an adjustable height desk . I'd like to start with an inexpensive one, and if I like it, I'll get a real one. If I can get it via Amazon that would be best. # I won't believe the NYT has any integrity until they let people criticize them on their op-ed page. # Draw me a picture # Draw me a picture of El Camino Real in Menlo Park, California. # Linkblog items for the day. Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It's Losing Many of Them. texasmonthly.com The Tech Baron Seeking to "Ethnically Cleanse" San Francisco. newrepublic.com Tesla Autopilot investigation closed after feds find 13 fatal crashes related to misuse. techcrunch.com Copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer. This email was sent on: 4/27/2024, 12:00:00 AM Eastern. "It's even worse than it appears." This blog has been

Scripting News: Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024 I don't think conversation on the web has been the big benefit some people think. Do you remember when you first realized that people weren't talking to you in a response to your post, they were talking over your shoulder to the people who read your post. I guess it depends on who you are, but I don't see any value in providing a surface for spam. These days I block people without much thought if I think that's what they're doing. So, why should you design a protocol, and pay the cost of supporting, something that is a vector for spam and abuse? That's the argument in favor of using RSS to glue things together. You can comment on my post, in your space, but my followers don't have to see it. That's up to me. I think it would change the nature of discourse, for the better. # A backgrounder on how the web is used for conversation, the pros and cons of each variant, and what role RSS can play in it, thanks to Chat

Scripting News: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 When I started working with Automattic last year, one of the big milestones we were aiming for was getting FeedLand and WordPress working together. Now we have the first step . I hope you take a moment to give it a try and let us know how it works. Scripting News readers have helped bootstrap all kinds of cool stuff, we can do it again. # Jay Gilmore : "ActivityPub breaks my brain. It doesn't need to be that hard given the payloads we are talking about." True. # FeedLand and WordPress # There's a new plugin that adds a blogroll to a WordPress site. # It would be helpful if people who are regular readers of Scripting News who use WordPress, set up a test site, give it a try and let us know how it goes. You can help us get to the next level with this stuff. # So there are two sides, the FeedLand side and the WordPress side. # The FeedLand side . Sign on to FeedLand, create an account if you don&

🔥 (#162) My latest project

My latest project is a baby girl! We welcomed baby Thiessen in to our family a couple weeks ago, so I've been off work and enjoying the sleepless nights and getting to know my daughter. There have been some challenges, but I'm really enjoying fatherhood! It's truly incredible how a baby that really doesn't do much can be endlessly fascinating. Of course, I want to celebrate — but I have limited time (and mental capacity) for articles and videos. So I'm putting everything at 30% off until Saturday, April 27! Just use the code BABYTHIESSEN at the checkout. This will apply to all of these: Reusable Components Clean Components Toolkit Vue Tips Collection I'm also opening up orders again for the Vue Tips Collection hardcover book. But I have limited time to package and ship things, so I'm only selling 30 copies (unlimited digital copies though).